Scientists Theorize
Enricho Fermi and Edward Teller began theorizing new weapons that come from the atomic bomb but are expanded into a thermonuclear weapon. -
The Los Alamos Lab grows
Edward Teller is the start of the Los Alamos lab being a hydrogen bomb research lab but fellow scientist Oppenheimer refuses to help him. -
U.S. Secret meting
In New Mexico, scientists gather an discuss the devlopment of a "superbomb" -
Espionage of Great Britain
Karl Fuchs, a british physicist gives information on the structure of the soviet h-bomb with agent Alexander Feklisov -
Soviet Espionage
Soviet spies like Klaus Fuchs share information on Edward Teller's design of the new "classic Superbomb" -
Soviets Test first Atomic Bomb
After this, Americans push harder for the "Super" projct which would rival the atomic bomb progress that had been made in the USSR. -
President Truman Speech
President Truman gives a speech saying that there was evidence of an atomic explosion in the USSR.Americans debate on what action they should take -
President Truman Opinion
Truman decides that in order to protect the American citizens, that the Atomic Energy COmmision is going to proceed with their research on a Hydrogen Bomb -
President Truman Decesion
Truman instructs the AEC to continue researching and developing a h-bomb or a superbomb -
U.S. Physicists Disapprove
Twelve leading U.S. physicists, including Hans Bethe, speak out against President Truman's decision to build the hydrogen bomb. -
President Truman orders Expansion
AEC facilities are expanded secretley and the production increases. This causes the soviets to continue looking into the "layer cake" design by Andrei Sakharo -
U.S. Declares National Emergency
With the Chinese army having entered the Korean war, President Truman declares national emergency and signs order to increase armed forces by 3.5 million men. US -
U.S. conducts the "George" test in the Pacific
a large fission bomb that triggers the first thermonuclear reaction. -
U.S. Hires New Leader
Marshall Holloway replaces Edward Teller as the leader of the Hyrdrogen bomb project -
Soviet Testing Continues
More atomic bombs are being tested by Soviets -
U.S. comes up with new H-bomb Design
Stanislaw Ulam, U.S mathmetician creates a new design for the H-Bomband Edward Teller loves it. -
Great Britain tests first Nuclear Weapon
First British nuclear test, code-named "Hurricane," is conducted off the northwest coast of Australia. -
US detonates first Hydrogen Bomb
Succesfull test of the worlds first thermonuclear weapon, 1000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb which is why the U.S did not work on the less powerful atomic bomb. -
Russian first Nuclear Weapon
Andrei Sakharov's layer cake design is used in this first launch -
U.S. "Bravo" Test
U.S. continues testing more thermonuclear weapons under supervision of Marshall Holloway.