Katness's volunteers
Her sister Prim gets chosen and Katness Volunteers in her place -
Peeta Gets chosen
Peeta gets his name drawn for the hunger games -
Katness gets a rating of 11 and Peeta gets an 8
The Hunger games starts
Katness and Peeta run to where the games started
They force Katness back towards the other people
The Group of people from district 1,2, and Peeta force Katness up a tree
Katness cuts down the tracker jacker nest and kills the girl with the bow
Rue finds Katness and takes care of her Tracker Jacker stings
Katness destroys all of the food
Rue Dies
They annoince that there can be 2 winners from the same district
Katness finds Peeta and he is badly injured
Katness brings Peeta to a cave and they sit in there
They announce there is going to be a feast, that every district needed something badly and that was going to be at the place where the games started
Katness gets Peeta's Medication to heal him
Peeta gets his leg bitten off
They kill Cato
Katness runs far away from all the other people
They have these dog type things that have dead players eyes
They announce that there can only be 1 winner
They atempt to eat nightlock so they dont have any winners
Katness and Peeta win the games
They get to go home