The Hunger Games Timeline

By guo.y96
  • Pg. 31- Peeta threw the burnt bread to Katniss.

    During the worst time when Katniss and her family had nothing to eat, Peeta had thrown her some bread. Katniss was digging in his trash for food so he had "accidently" dropped two loaves of bread into the fire which caused him to have to throw them out. Instead he threw them to Katniss who didnt understand why he would do that but he was helping her out in her time of need.
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    The Hunger Games

    This is a timeline about all the times Katniss received help from someone throughout the book.
  • Pg. 78- Peeta helped cover when Katniss said she knew the Avox.

    Peeta helped Katniss out by pretending that the Avox was Delly Cartwright when she looked nothing like her. If Peeta hadn't helped Katniss, she would have been in trouble; Katniss was't suppose to be out in the woods when the girl and the boy got caught by the hovercraft and that was how she recognized the Avox.
  • Pg. 150- Peeta stoped Katniss from getting the bow and arrows.

    While Katniss was waiting for the Games to begin, she saw a bow and arrows in the middle of the Cornucopia. She was tempted to go after them instead of listening to Haymitch but she then looked over at Peeta and he nodded his head no. He helped by distracting her and reminding her to clear out and find water.
  • Pg. 169- Haymitch doesn't send Katniss water.

    Katniss became extremely dehydrated but Haymitch still didn't send her any water. Instead he was sending her a message by not sending her it because he was telling her that she had almost found it.
  • Pg. 193- Peeta saved Katniss' life by letting her go.

    When Katniss returned to Glimmer's dead body to get the bow and arrows, Peeta and the Careers found her. Peeta was the first one who saw her and told her to run. He had to face Cato for letting her go but he saved Katniss' life by doing so.
  • Pg. 218- Foxface helped Katniss figure out how to get to the Careers' food supply.

    Katniss was watching Foxface when she went in to steal some food from the Careers. Foxface helped Katniss figure out that a land mine was gaurding the food supply. Knowing that, Katniss was able to come up with a plan to destroy their supply. Therefore without Foxface's help, Katniss would not have been able to blown the food up.
  • Pg. 261- Katniss receives a pot of broth from Haymitch.

    When Katniss kissed Peeta for the first time, Haymitch sent her a pot of hot broth. By doing that, he was sending her an even deeper message which meant "One kiss equals one pot of broth." In order to keep Peeta alive she would need the help from their sponsors and Haymitch.
  • Pg. 276- Haymitch sends Katniss the sleep syrup.

    Katniss had to figure out a way to go to the feast to get the medicine for Peeta's blood poisoning when Haymitch sent her a parachute. The parachute contained a sleep syrup which was another message to drug Peeta and go to the feast. Haymitch helped Katniss by sending her what she needed to go to the feast in order to keep Peeta alive.
  • Pg. 288- Thresh let Katniss go.

    Thresh saved Katniss from Clove and then let her go because of her alliance with Rue. Thresh felt like he owed Katniss because she had helped Rue and killed her murderer. This way letting Katniss go would even things out between them. Thresh helped her by letting her live so she could get the medicine back to Peeta.
  • Pg. 336- Peeta helped Katniss kill Cato.

    Cato had Peeta in a headlock and Katniss had to decide whether she should shoot at him or not but before it was too late, Peeta raised his hand and drew an X on Cato's hand. That was a message to Katniss to shoot the arrow at his hand. Without Peeta's help Katniss would not have been able to kill Cato without killing Peeta too.
  • Pg. 357- Haymitch warned Katniss about the capitol.

    After Peeta and Katniss won, the capitol was furious that they showed them up. So Haymitch warned Katniss that they have to go with the defense of them being extremely madly in love. If Haymitch had not warned Katniss she wouldn't have known, but with his help they were able to convince everyone they did it out of love.
  • Pg. 368- Ceasar helped Katniss answer his question.

    While on the interview, Ceasar asked Katniss when she realized that she was in love with Peeta, and Katniss didn't exactly know how to answer. Thankfully, Ceasar helped her out by telling her what he thought so she could work off of what he said. If Ceasar hadn't helped Katniss out she would not have been able come up with a good answer.