the hunger games

  • the reaping

    katniss everdeens sister prim gets chosen for the reaping, a raffle deciding who gets into the hunger games, on her first drawing, and katniss in a fit of passion elects to replace her for what seemed like looming death over her. *didnt happen in 2000, didnt specify when it happened
  • the train on the way to the capitol

    after katniss says goodbye to her mother,sister and her best freind and peeta says goodbye to his family, they depart on their train to the capitol. they eat and while their mentor(haymitch) is a total alcoholic, katniss by chance hits an incredible mark with her dagger when throwing it, and convinces him that they have a chance at winnign this thing and that he has to sober up a bit. he agrees.
  • train and the capitol

    while on the train peeta truly meets katniss, as they've only had one interaction before the hunger games. that interaction was when katniss(before she knew how to hunt) was starving and peeta threw her some burnt bread he had purposely burnt so his mother didn't get mad for giving her good bread. they soon arrive at the capitol and meet some people, such as Cinna katnisses clothes designer, along with her prep team. She starts to connect with some others who try to help her the best they can.
  • the capitol

    after spending awhile at the capitol she meets/sees some of the other contestants, such as rue, the careers who have been training their whole life for this, and a few other select people. once the skill showcase comes around she shows the judges how good she is with her bow, and scores an 11/12 on the chart making her one of the better people there.
  • the hunger games

    after getting prepped by her team and Cinna and eating, katniss along with the other 23 contestants get released into the wild world of the hunger games. katniss makes a mad dash along with many others to the horn of plenty where the weapons and such are. while katniss doesn't make it there due to the fighting, she gets some basic rations and a plastic sheet and a backpack with minimal supplies.
  • the hunger games (2)

    after getting her small supplies she dashed to the forest as thats where shed be most accustomed to due to her growing up supporting her family due to the bounty of the forest. where she makes do for awhile
  • the hunger games(3)

    she eventualy crosses paths with the careers, but now they have peeta on their side. she saws off a branch of wasps to kill one and damage the rest. shes meets the girl named rue who gave her the idea to do so, and they team up t kill the careers
  • the hunger games(4)

    the plan mostly goes off without a hitch other than katniss lost hearing in one ear. until she resizes that rue is under attack by a buy from district 4. she kills the boy but it was too late to save rue, so she sings her to sleep while shes laying on the ground all blooded up.
  • the hunger games(5)

    after there are only a few peoples left they announce that there can be 2 victors this year, if your from the same district meaning that peeta and katniss can win! katniss takes care of peeta though he has 2 feet and an arm in the grave already. shes was managing to keep him alive but he needed medicine badly.
  • the hunger games (bag race thing)

    the announcer says that there will be a bag for each district, including peeta medicine hed need. he tells katniss not to go but she knew she had too, and comes back safely with it, saving peeta
  • the hunger games finale

    there are 3 left. katniss peeta and thatch, the strongest guy left. they release mutts(mutation creature things) and playing the waiting game they manage to win while thatch was dying slowing being ripped apart for 12 hours straight.
  • post-hunger games

    katniss gets her hearing back, and goes around to each district like a victory lap. because of her connection to the people from district 11 she let them have some of her earnings (1/12 which is ALOT) though it was believe they all got killed after. she than moved to her new house she gets