Aug 26, 1346
Battle of Crecy
This battle took place in Crecy which is located north of france. This battle is remembered because the french was defeated even thought the had out numbered the English. The English sed the longbowmen wich mad the french Knight easy targets. The City later surrender one year later. -
Sep 19, 1356
Battle of Poitiers
The Battle struck out whr Edward the Black Prince, son of Edward the Third of England defeated the french near Poitiers. Once more the English used the Longbowmen to defeat the French. During the battle the king of france was captured and take to England. later to be released after paying a ranson. -
Oct 25, 1415
Battle of Agincourt
Once again the english winnes anothe battle. Led by King Henry the fifth defate the french who had them out nummered. However Henry did not take advantage of this victory which cost him later on. -
May 8, 1429
Lifing of siege of Orleans
This Battle was the turning point for the french. A peasent girl who claimed diven advice named Joan of Arc fought along the french. Her signifance enabled Charles the Seventh to travel to Rheims to be crowned as kong of france. Joan of Arc was captured by Burgundians in 1430 who burned het at stake. -
Jul 17, 1453
Battle of Castillon
Tnis battle ended of the Hundred Years War with the French Victory, however a peace treated was never signed. All of the victory that the English had meant noting now. The Freanch regained what they had lost. The use of cannons also played a significant part of this battle.