The Hundred Years War

  • Dec 10, 1337

    Beginning of the Hundred Years War

  • Period: Dec 10, 1337 to Dec 10, 1453

    Hundred Years' War

    This war was fought by French and English people.
  • Dec 10, 1340

    The English won a great victory at sea in the Battle of Sluys.

  • Dec 10, 1346

    England won again at the Battle of Crécy.

  • Period: Dec 10, 1348 to Dec 10, 1356

    Bubonic Plague slow down the war.

  • Period: Dec 10, 1348 to Dec 10, 1356

    King John II of France is captured by England.

  • Dec 10, 1350

    England led by Edward, the Black Prince won the Battle of Poitiers.

  • Dec 10, 1364

    France New Emperor Charles V the Wise

  • Period: Dec 10, 1389 to Dec 10, 1415

    Time of peace

  • Oct 25, 1415

    England major won in theBattle of Agincourt.

  • Dec 10, 1429

    Joan of Arc led France' army to success at the Siege of Orleans and the Battle of Patay

  • May 30, 1431

    Joan of Arc captured and killed by France

  • Dec 10, 1435

    France had a diplomatic win with the Treaty of Arras

  • Dec 10, 1453

    End of the Hundred Years War