The honest truth

The Honest Truth-Talan Rymarenko

  • Running away

    Mark starts his journey by running away from home in Washington in Wenatchee with his dog, Beau, a duffel bag and some money. He leaves with the intention of climbing Mt. Rainier before he is bed ridden from cancer.
  • Bus station

    Mark reaches the Bus station in Wenatchee and leaves for Spokane.
  • Train Station

    Mark gets off the bus and arrives at the train station and makes his way to Seattle.
  • Report

    Marks family notices that Mark has "disappeared" and notify the cops to start a search for their son.
  • Seattle

    Mark gets off the train and arrives in Seattle, Washington and goes to a restaurant to eat dinner before continuing his journey.
  • News

    Marks family made the Washington state Police put news of a missing child on news broadcasts to aid in their search for Mark.
  • Hindrance

    Mark and Beau get jumped at night by a couple of kids, Beau saves Mark but loses $80 and proceeds to crawl to an alleyway and fall asleep.
  • A secret message

    Marks childhood friend (Jessie) finds a note left by Mark stating why he had to leave.
  • Leaving Seattle

    Mark wakes up in the alleyway, tired, beaten up and hungry, He somehow makes it to the next and final bus station and leaves Seattle.
  • River crossing

    Mark comes to a bridge that he would not be able to cross because of the highway built on it and decides to make it to a small "Island" underneath the bridge to escape the rain. He almost gets swept away before Beau saves him and they both make it to the Island
  • Rainier

    Mark gets of the bus and arrives at a hotel neat the foot of Mt. Rainier. He then proceeds on foot with Beau towards the mountain trail.
  • Climbing Mt Rainier

    Mark reaches the mountain's trail and starts the treacherous journey to the top.
  • A Tip

    Jessie finds another note from Mark saying where he went, se tells the family and police and they leave for Mt Rainier to rescue him.
  • Crevasse

    Mark comes across a giant ice crevasse and attempts to cross it and succeeds, but Beau falls in. Beau gets rescued by Mark and they continue up the mountain.
  • The end of the Road

    Mark final succumbs to the cold and falls to his side and passes out. Beau now all alone on the mountain...
  • The Rescue

    The rescuers reach climb the mountain and come across Beau, who starts barking at them. They decide to follow Beau and he leads them to Mark. They airlift him to the nearest hospital along with Beau.
  • The End

    Jessie sits next to Mark in his hospital bed, close to death. He tells his story to Jessie before she leaves. Jessie and Beau sit in a bed in a hotel, she starts writing his story with "The mountain was calling..."