America enters the war (14.3)

  • Tripartite Pact

    Japan signed this pact with Germany and Italy, FDR instituted a more extensive embargo.
  • oil embargo

    oil embargo
    President Roosevelt placed an embargo on important naval and aviation supplies to Japan such as Oil, iron ore, fuel, steel, and rubber.
  • General Tojo comes to power

    General Tojo comes to power
    Became the Japanese Prime minister and focused intently on military expansion but sought to keep the US neutral
  • Attempt to negotiate

    Japan and the US attempt to negotiate an end to their disagreement but with little success.
  • Period: to

    Rejection on demands

    Cordell Hull rejected Japans latest demands. Tojo gave up on peace. the next month Tojo made the decision to deliver a decisive first blow against the US.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japanese diplomats wrangled in the US capital, Japans navy sailed to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii to wipe out the US navy
  • US declares war on Germany

    because of the germanys invasion, it made some americans doubt the wisdom of the supporting allies. The house voted for war 388 to 1
  • War Production Board

    Government set up the War production board to oversee the conversion of peacetime industry to war industry.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    75000 allied soldiers surrendered, Japanese forced the sick POWs to march to Bataan. More than 7000 American and Filipino troops died.
  • Victory for the US is in reach

    Victory for the US is in reach
    Japan and US aircrafts engage in battle, Leading towards a victory for the United States.
  • Women's Army Corps (WAC)

    Women's Army Corps (WAC)
    Edith Rogers introduced a bill to provide clerical workers, truck drivers, instructors, and lab technicians for the US army.
  • Period: to

    War Ends

    the war would last 3 more years, but the dark days of early 1942 were over