The Holodomor

  • The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin take power in Russia.

    The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin take power in Russia.
  • The Soviet Union is formed with Ukraine becoming one of the republics.

    The Soviet Union is formed with Ukraine becoming one of the republics.
    Soviet Union propoganda film
  • Lenin passes away, Joseph Stalin becomes leader.

    Lenin passes away, Joseph Stalin becomes leader.
  • Stalin introduces a program

    Stalin introduces a program
    A program that forces farmers to give up their private land, equipment and livestock, and join state owned, factory-like collective farms. Stalin decides that collective farms would not only feed the industrial workers in the cities but could also provide a substantial amount of grain to be sold abroad, with the money used to finance his industrialization plans.
  • Many Ukrainian farmers refuse to join collective farms

    Many Ukrainian farmers refuse to join collective farms
    Stalin introduces a policy of "class warfare" in the countryside in order to break down resistance to collectivization. Eventually anyone who resists collectivization is considered a kurkul.
  • 1.5 million Ukrainians die

    1.5 million Ukrainians die
    due to Stalins "dekulakization" policies. Armed forces in the country confiscater land, livestock and other property and evict families.
  • Production Quotas increased

    Production Quotas increased
    so high, that they could not be met. This creates Starvation in the country.
  • Decree implemented

    Decree implemented
    that calls for arrest of execution of anyone, including children who are caught taking any little amount of food product for their families to eat
  • More Ukrainians are dying

    More Ukrainians are dying
    at the rate of 30,000 a day. with one third of that being children who are under the age of ten
  • 4 million total, are dead.

    4 million total, are dead.
    between 1932-1934 that are attributed to starvation in the country. Not including execution and deaths from other causes.