The Holocaust and The events leading up

By RuneH99
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    After the mass gain of support for the Nazi party, the German president Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor, allowing the further growth of the Nazis.
  • The Enabling Act

    The Enabling Act
    This was an act passed while Hitler was chancellor that allowed action without the consent of the German Parliament, opening the door for a dictatorship, however, Hitler couldn't yet become a dictator at this time because Hindenburg was still the president, and had more power than Hitler.
  • President Von Hindenburg passes away

    President Von Hindenburg passes away
    The German president, Von Hindenburg died, and due to his death, Hitler becomes president, which not so long later, Hitler abolishes to become a dictator.
  • The Nuremburg Laws

    The Nuremburg Laws
    After a mass growth in anti-Semitism in Germany due to the Nazi's, and Hitler finally getting in power, the Nuremburg laws were put in affect. The Laws themselves were focused around bringing the anti-Semitism instated to laws, forcing Segregation and many other cruel things upon Jews.
  • Anschluss

    Anschluss was the expansion of Nazi control into Austria, which also allowed the expansion of the violent anti-Semitism of the Nazi's into new territories, putting even more Jews in danger.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht was an act of mass destruction to Jewish, homes, businesses, synagogues, and various other Jewish owned establishments carried out by the Nazis under Hitler.
  • The "Final Solution"

    The "Final Solution"
    Hitler had the intention of dealing with the "Jewish Question" relating to the Jews in German controlled territory, and what he found to answer it was the "Final Solution" which began the construction of the concentration camps, and the mass genocide of the Jews known as the Holocaust
  • Period: to

    The Holocaust

    The Holocaust was a period during Hitler's time as a dictator where the Jewish were sent to camps, and other minorities, and were killed in mass within concentration camps.
  • The Nuremburg Trials

    The Nuremburg Trials
    When the Holocaust was over -as well as WWII,- the individuals responsible for carrying out a majority of the atrocities had to be held responsible for what they had done, and the event that occurred to hold them responsible were the Nuremburg trials, which recognized their actions as crimes against peace and humanity, and as war crimes.