The Holocaust

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    In March 1933, Hitler is appointed chancellor through the enabling acts
  • Nazi race laws

    Nazi race laws
    The laws prohibited marriage and sexual relationships between Jews and Non jews
  • Search for refuge

    Search for refuge
    Jews in Vienna wait in line at the police station to obtain exits visas. They start to realize that Jews are being sent to concentration camps
  • The night of the broken glass

    The night of the broken glass
    Within 48 hours synagogues were vandalized and burned 7,500 Jewish businesses
  • American responses

    American responses
    Government policies in the 1930's made it difficult for Jews seeking refuge to settle in the United States
  • Mobile killing squads

    Mobile killing squads
    About a quarter of all Jews who perished in the holocaust were shot by the SS mobile killing squads
  • Deportations

    Trains carrying Jews from German-Controlled Europe rolled into one of the six killing centers located along rail lines in occupied Poland
  • Terror begins

    Terror begins
    Communist, Socialist and other Political opponents of the Nazi's were among the first to be rounded up and imprisoned by the regime