The Holocaust

  • Nazis Take Power

    Nazis Take Power
    Nazis Take power throught this year. But had concertrated on silencing their poitical opponents, the communists, socialists, liberals, and anyone else who spoke out agains the government. Once they eleminated those groups they turned for other groups in Germany.
  • Persecution Begins

    Persecution Begins
    Shortly after Hitler took power in Germany, he ordered all "non-Aryans" to be removed from government jobs. This was the begining of what was known as the Holocaus, the systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe, more than half were Jews.
  • Kristallnacht

    "night of broken glass" Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, business, and synagogues across germany.
  • The Plight of the St. Louis

    The Plight of the St. Louis
    The jerman ocean liner passed Miami, although 740 of the liners 943 passengers had U.S. immigrants papers, the Coast Guard followed the ship to prevent anyone from disembarking in America. The liner eventually was forced to return back to Europe
  • Hitler's "Final Solution"

    Hitler's "Final Solution"
    Hitlers plan called genocide to rid the rest of europe of Jews, was the deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population.
  • Mass Exterminations

    As deadly as overworked, starvation, beatings, and bullets were, they did not kill fast enough to satisfy the Nazis. So the Nazis built 6 death camps in Poland, each camp had several huge gas chambers in which many as 12,00 perple could be killed each day.
  • The Final Stage

    The Final Stage
    At a meeting helf in Wannsee, a lakeside suburb near Berlin, Hitler's top officials agreed to begin a new phase of the mass murder of Jews. To mass slaughter and starvation they would add poison gas.