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The Holocaust

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    After Hitler was appointed chancellor, the Nazi's made it to where you weren't guaranteed any rights, especially Jews. Around 1933 was when the 1st concentration camps started to appear around Germany
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Hitler was anointed chancellor. This began the attack on jews.
  • The Holocaust begins

    The Holocaust begins
    The holocaust started at the beginning of WW2. The Nazi's would put 50-100 Jews onto trains that would hall them off to concentration camps. Another way was a death march where the Jews were forced to walk many miles to the camps. Either way, you were dead.
  • Beginning of the holocaust

    Beginning of the holocaust
    The jews were hauled off to camps to be killed.
  • end of holocaust

    end of holocaust
    By the end of the holocaust, over 9 million were killed. Other countries were horrified to see the bodies of innocent people.