The Holocaust

  • Antisemitism

    Antisemitism (Hatred of Jews) started way before the Nazis came to power. The term antisemitism was created in 1879.
  • Hatred of Jews

    Hatred of Jews
    Before the Nazi party rose to power, they tried to pin the blame for Germany's economic and social hardships on Jews after WWI. The economic shocks and the great depression made many open up to nazism and antisemitism.
  • Nazis Discriminate and exclude Jews

    Nazis Discriminate and exclude Jews
    When the Nazis rose to power in Germany, the government began to start to discriminate against and exclude Jews from society. They also made laws meant to discriminate against Jews and started organized violence against Jews
  • Nazis Rose to power

    Nazis Rose to power
    On January 30th, 1933, the Nazi party rose to power, which lead to a major increase in antisemitism in Germany.
  • Ghettos

    The Nazi regime forced Jews to live in overcrowded and unsanitary enclosed buildings called "ghettos." Ghettos were first created by German officials during the German occupation of Poland.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    Between 1933-1945, Nazi leaders created what was known as "The Final Solution" which was a plan to mass murder Jews. The Nazi regime implemented this genocide around 1941-1945.
  • The murder of Jews across all of Europe

    By 1942, Nazi Germany controlled most of Europe, bringing harsh policies to controlled areas and continuing to mass murder Jews in different parts of Europe.
  • End of the Holocaust

    End of the Holocaust
    The Holocaust came to an end when major allied forces such as Great Britain, the United States, and The Soviet Union Liberated the surviving Jewish prisoners during a series of offenses.