
The Holocaust

  • Hitler's Appointed Chancellor

    Hitler's Appointed Chancellor
    January 30,1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany after promising to rearm the military, end reparations, and create jobs. This of course meant the rise of the Nazis but also a new Reich. Soon after, Hitler came to power he started his plan to revise Germany to his liking.
  • The Start of a New Germany

    The Start of a New Germany
    During the year 1933, the new regimen created concentration camps where they would have people describe as "dangerous" confined and killed. These people were homosexuals, Jehovah witnesses, political opponents, and anyone else Hitler thought would tarnish Germany in any way. He used many forms of propaganda to spread his narrative. This included school teachings, posters about joining the Nazis, and etc.
  • The Beginning of Their Struggle

    The Beginning of Their Struggle
    German Jews began to experience some of the effects of a large decrease and regulations that restricted every outlook of their private and public lives nearly six years into Hitler's rule. They were deprived of their education, Jobs, and names.
  • The beginning of The Holocaust

    The beginning of The Holocaust
    Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. Throughout the following year, Nazi Germany acquired a considerable amount of Europe. German officials withdrew Jewish property, formed ghettos, forced-labor camps, and in many places Jews were demanded to wear identifying clothing.
  • The Tourment

    The Tourment
    Throughout the years 1934 and 1941 even more German Jewish people were being descriminated. Hitler decided to make and enclosed 10-feet wall with barbed wire called "ghettos" in order to keep Jewish people away from German society. They would later be sent to the concentration camps to be tortured and put to extensive labor. In November of 1940 Hitler had a ship carrying over 1,800 Jewish refugees destroyed.
  • Germany's Betrayal

    Germany's Betrayal
    In June of 1941, Germany betrayed it's ally the Soviet Union initiating the start of WW2. With police and local citizens support mobile killing units assisted the German army and took part in mass shootings as they progressed into Soviet territory. During this time, the Jewish peoples' struggle increased as Hitler saw this betrayal as the end of European Jewry.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    In the a time of intense fighting on the eastern and western fronts of WW2 Nazi Germany began what is called the '"Final Solution". This was final plan made to be the termination of all Jewish people. It was the deportation of millions of Jewish men, women, and children to killing centers using poison gas. This caused panic in the Jewish community causing many to try and escape. Therefore any Jew that tried to flee was granted the death penalty. Surviving Jews were rounded up and killed.
  • The End of The Holocaust

    The End of The Holocaust
    1945, Germany lost the war was held accountable for their crimes. They had murdered over six million Jews. Allied troops entered camps to find ashes and dead bodies. Surviving Jews were sent to displaced persons camp. The years after, international and domestic courts held numerous trails confronting war criminals. Hitler avoided this by committing suicide in an unknown location.