
The Holocaust

  • Jewish Population Estimate

    1900 Jewish population estimated at between 938,000 -1.058 million (1.23-1.39 percent of total population)
  • 49 Jews killed

    49 Jews killed
    1903 Forty-nine Jews are killed and 92 are severely wounded in the Kishinev program. Large numbers of Jewish women were raped and 1,500 homes were damaged. The Jews were referred to as 'The hated race'.
  • The American Jewish Commitee Founded

    In response to the Kishinev pogroms, the American Jewish Committee is founded to safeguard Jewish rights internationally. Many Jews were killed in (official) Russian pogroms
  • WW1 begins

    WW1 begins
    Germany declares war on Russia, with Russia entering the First World War.
  • British Government Accused of Favouritism

    Balfour Declaration declares that the British government favours the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine
  • 60 000 Jews Killed

    Over 60,000 Jews were killed during the Russian Revolution
  • Start of the Nazis

    Start of the Nazis
    The DAP reinvent themselves as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or NSDAP.
  • Jewish population

    Jewish population: between 3.3 - 3.6 million (3.12 - 3.14 percent of the population

    National Socialist German's Worker's Party established
  • Anti-Semitic news articles and cartoons

    Anti-Semitic news articles and cartoons appear in Newspapers in Germany
  • Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany
    Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany
  • Dachau is opened

    Dachau is opened
    Dachau is opened, a concentration camp to hold communists near Munich.
  • Jewish Doctors Banned

    Jewish doctors are banned from working in Berlin city hospitals
  • The Law for the Restoration of the Civil Service

    The Law for the Restoration of the Civil Service states that Jews to be removed from government positions. It is later changed to exclude Jewish war veterans and their relatives, after pressure from president Hindenburg.
  • The Prussian Police

    The Prussian Police
    the Prussian police is reorganises to form the Gestapo or the the German secret service
  • Hitler announces two new laws against the Jews

    Hitler announces the ‘Nuremberg Laws’, two new anti-Jewish laws.
  • Jewish Exhibition

    opens A Jewish exhibition is opened in Munich, by Goebbels’ ministry containing anti-Semitic ideas and stereotypes.
  • Deportation of all German Jews

    A plan to deport all German Jews to the island of Madagascar, is approved by Hitler.
  • The Évian Conference

    In France discussion of a exodus of Jews from Nazi Germany, but they find no effective solution.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht, a two-day pogrom against Jewish people, property and businesses is incised by Joseph Goebbels.
  • Jewish Curfew

    A 8pm curfew is enforced and declared by the government for all German Jews
  • Jews deported to Austria

    The German Controlled parts of Czechoslovakia deport all Jews to Austria
  • Yellow Star Introduced

    Yellow Star Introduced
    Yellow star introduced- all Jews over the age of 6 were made to wear the yellow star of David on their clothing
  • Auschwitz opened

    Auschwitz opened
    Auschwitz concentration camp opened
  • first death camp opened at Chelmo

    first death camp opened at Chelmno - built during WW2 and was the first of many Nazi extermination camps.
  • 'Final Solution'

    Nazi's discuss the 'Final Solution' - to kill all European Jews - with government officials
  • Death camps closed

    Many death camps closed and all evidence of them destroyed
  • Gas chambers used for the last time

    Gas chambers used for the last time
    Gas chambers in Auschwitz are used for the last time
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    Germany surrenders and the war ends in Europe (6 million Jews and 1 million children were murdered during WW2)
  • War In Europe Ends

    Germany surrenders and the war ends in Europe (6 million Jews and 1 million children were murdered throughout ww2)
  • Nazi leaders tried for their war crimes

    Nazi leaders tried for war crimes by the judicial assembly
  • Holocaust denial

    Holocaust denial created
  • Adolf Eichmann Captured

    Adolf Eichmann Captured
    Adolf Eichmann is captured in Argentina and transported to Israel to stand trial for crimes against humanity and crimes against the Jewish people
  • Wall Built Between East and West Berlin

    government of East Germany began to build a barbed wire and concrete “Antifaschistischer Schutzwall,” between East and West Berlin.
  • Prevention and Punishment of Genocide

    US President Ronald Reagan signed the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide
  • Holocaust Deniers Cast Doubt

    At the request of Ernst Zündel, Fred Leuchter (a self-proclaimed specialist in execution methods) travels to the site of the Auschwitz killing center. He later issues the Leuchter Report : An Engineering Report on the Alleged Execution Gas Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, Poland, which is cited by Holocaust deniers to cast doubt on the use of gas chambers for mass murder.
  • Book Published Claiming the Holocaust Never Happened

    David's book published claiming the holocaust never happened