• Period: to


  • Anti-Semitism

    The lynching of Jewish-American Leo Frank in Georgia, evidence of anti-Semitism in the United States.
  • End of WW1

    The signing to end World War I, Germans attributed to socialists and Jewish agents.
  • Formation

    The formation of Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP, or German Workers’ Party) – the forerunner to the Nazi Party.
  • Fighting Jews

    The formation of Deutschen Schutz und Trutzbund, German nationalist group committed to ‘fighting Judaism’.
  • Anti-Semitic News Paper

    Henry Ford owned Newspaper, Dearborn Independent, begins to publish anti-Semitic articles

    The DAP reinvents itself as the National Socialist Germany Workers’ Party, or NSDAP.
  • Anti-Semitic Cartoons

    Der Sturmur Newspaper founded. Published anti-Semitic stories and cartoons
  • Adolf Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany

  • First Concentration Camps

    Nazis open Dachau Concentration Camp near Munich for detaining communists
  • Jewish Doctors Banned

    Berlin authorities ban Jewish doctors from working in city hospitals
  • Jewish Businesses destroyed

    Nazi members organised a boycott of Jewish shops and bussineses
  • New Laws

    New laws were passed in Germany so that Jews were no longer allowed to be in government positions and were also not allowed to be lawyers
  • Nazi Youth

    First action of the Nazi Youth. Berlin Book burnings (mainly Jewish authors)
  • Anti-Jewish Laws

    Hitler anounces new anti-Jewish laws
  • Deportation

    Hitler approves plan to deport Jews to Madagascar
  • All Jews must now carry Identification cards

  • Beginning of WW2

    Hilter invades Poland thus beginning
  • Deportation of German jews to concentration camps

    Deportation of German Jews to concentration camps
  • Deportation of German Jews into concentration camps

  • Warshaw Ghetto established, housing Polish jews

  • First gassings of Jews in Auschwitz

  • Every Jew in Germany must wear a Star of David

  • New laws

    New laws
    Jews in Germany are prohibited from using public transport.
  • Treblinka concentration camp

    Treblinka concentration camp
    Treblinka concentration camp opens and gets first Jewish prisoners.
  • Uprising in Auschwitz

    Jewish prisoners fight back in Auschwitz, resulting the destruction of a cremation building.
  • The gas chambers in Auschwitz are used for the last time

  • End of World War 2

    End of World War 2
    Surrender of Germany to the Allies
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
  • Bomb in France

    Bomb exploded in front of synagogue killing 4 and injuring 40 - First anti semitic action in France after the war
  • Israel Invades Lebanon

    Israel Invades Lebanon
    Israel invades Lebanon to end raids and clashes with Syrian troops based there
  • Beginning Of First Intifada Against Israel

    Beginning Of First Intifada Against Israel
  • The Fall Of The Berlin Wall

    The Fall Of The Berlin Wall
    Fall of the Berlin Wall between East and West Germany
  • The Soviet Union

    The Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union opens its borders for the three million Soviet Jews who had been held as virtual prisoners within their own country
  • The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Dedicated

    The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Dedicated
  • Israel & PLO Signed The Oslo Accords

    Israel & PLO Signed The Oslo Accords
  • Israel & Jordan

    Israel and Jordan sign an official peace treaty. Israel cedes a small amount of contested land to Jordan, and the countries open official diplomatic relations, with open borders and free trade.
  • Camp David Summit

    Camp David Summit
    The summit took place between 11 and 25 July 2000 and was an effort to end the Israeli–Palestinian conflict