The holocaust

By uly44
  • Before 1933

    Before 1933
    World war I heavily impacted Europe. The continent struggled to recover after having millions of casualties, and property was damaged as well. In 1933 over 1 million Jews lived in Europe which took only 1.7% of the worlds population. The Jews population fell under 500,000 which was under 1% of the worlds population.
  • Anne frank

    Anne frank
    Anne frank was born in the Netherlands, In the first 5 years she lived with her parents in an apartment. Her father fled to Amsterdam, After the Nazi party took over. Her family soon joined her family in Amsterdam. In may 1940, the Germans occupied Amsterdam, her family then went into hiding. She then begin to write diaries about her experience. Her diaries were kept by Mien Gies.
  • Law limiting Jews in public school

    Law limiting Jews in public school
    The German government established a law against Jews where only a limited amount can enter. In 1933 after Hitler was appointed chancellor, He then made modifications to the national, state, and municipal government that restricted the rights of Jews.
  • Central organization of German Jews

    Central organization of German Jews
    The central organization of German Jews is an establishment of Jews uniting to give a response to the rising German persecution
  • The Auschwitz camp

    The Auschwitz camp
    The Auschwitz camp is a Nazi establishment. It is separated into 3 camps, it actually the largest of its kind. All three of these camps forced prisoners into labor. One of them functioned as a killing center.
  • Jewish badge

    Jewish badge
    Reinhard Heydrich made sure that all Jews wear the star of David on their outer clothing at all times. The word "jew" is inscribed in the the star in German or local language. In the Nazi era, Germany could easily identify Jews because of the stars on their clothes. They would begin to try and exterminate the Jewish population in Europe.
  • The deportation of Jews

    The deportation of Jews
    German authorities begin deporting dutch Germans from the westerbork, amersfoort, and vught camps to killing centers. In September 3, 1944 100 trains carried 100,00 people from Auschwitz to concentration camps, about 60,00 of them were Jews.
  • Kielce Pogrom

    Kielce Pogrom
    A violent massacre takes place in the polish town of kielce. The kielce progrom drew on the history of antisemitism. False allegations was one of the reason, because they were blamed for using the blood christian children.