Adolf Hitler Becomes Leader Of The Nazi Party
Recently released from prison after serving 9 months for treason, Adolf Hitler declares the reformulation of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) with himself as leader. He makes the declaration at the Munich beer hall where the aborted coup of 1923 began. -
Hitler Campaign Speech
Nazi supporters at a campaign rally in Waldenburg, Germany. In a speech, Hitler attacks the Weimar Republic and pledges to dissolve the parliamentary system. -
Establishment Of The Dachau Camp
The SS establishes the Dachau concentration camp in March 1933 -
Hitler Abolishes The Office Of President
Hitler becomes the absolute dictator of Germany. -
Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens
Buchenwald becomes one of the largest concentration camps established within the old German borders of 1937 -
Reichstag's Speech
Hitler declares that the outbreak of war would mean the end of European Jewry. -
Death Penalty For Aiding Jews
German poster, issued during mass deportations to Treblinka, announcing death penalty for aiding Jews who fled the Warsaw ghetto -
Danish Jews Escape
From September 20 into October, approximately 7,200 Danish Jews escape to Sweden. -
The Deportation Of The Hungarian Jews
From mid-May until July 9, 1944, Hungarian gendarmerie officials, under the guidance of German SS officials, deport some 440,000 Jews from Hungary. -
Death March From Auschwitz
As Soviet troops approach, SS units begin the final evacuation of prisoners from the Auschwitz camp complex. -
The Nazi Plan
The film “The Nazi Plan” is shown as evidence at the International Military Tribunal. -
Adolf Eichmann Found Guilty
Adolf Eichmann is found guilty of crimes against the Jewish people.