
The Holocaust

  • Nazis boycott of Jewish businesses

    Nazis boycott of Jewish businesses
    Nazis blocked entrances to some Jewish owned stores. Signs near the soldiers said "Buy only at German shops!"
  • Period: to

    The Holocaust

  • The Gestapo

    The Gestapo
    The secret police of the Nazi force was under control of Heinrich Himmler.
  • Book Burning

    Book Burning
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer

    Hitler becomes Fuhrer
    German President von Hindenburg dies and HItler becomes leader.
  • Jehovah's Witnesses

    Jehovah's Witnesses
    Jehovah's Witnesses were banned from all civil cervice jobs. They were also arrested throughout Germany.
  • Heinrich Himmler

    Heinrich Himmler
    Heinrich Himmler was appointed the chief of German Police. Himmler was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany and one of the people most directly responsible for the Holocaust.
  • Buchenwald Opens

    Buchenwald Opens
    Buchenwald Concentration Camp opens and holds Jews, non-Jewish Poles and Slovenes, the mentally ill and physically-disabled from birth defects, religious and political prisoners, Roma and Sinti, Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, criminals, homosexuals, and prisoners of war.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht, The Night Of Broken Glass, was a massive German attack on Jewish establishments.
  • Ghettos

    Jews lose rights as tenants and are relocated into Jewish houses, ghettos.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Nazis invade Poland, a country with a Jewish population of 3.35 million. This is the largest Jewish population in Europe.
  • Jewish Deportation

    Jewish Deportation
    Germans deport German-Jewish people into their occupied land in Poland.
  • Auschwitz Opens

    Auschwitz Opens
    Rudlof Hoss was the kommandant of Auschwitz, the largest concentration camp under Nazi control.
  • Warsaw and Krakow Ghetto

    Warsaw and Krakow Ghetto
    The Warsaw Ghetto, containing 400,000 and the Krakow Ghetto, containging 700,000 Jewish residents was sealed off.
  • Approval of Murder Squads

    Approval of Murder Squads
    The German Army High Command gave approval to RISHA and Heydrich to have SS murder squads in occupied Poland.
  • Star Of David

    Star Of David
    German Jews above the age of six were forced to wear the yellow Star Of David.
  • Gas Chambers Testing

    Gas Chambers Testing
    Soviet prisoners of war and Polish prisoners are killed in Nazi test of gas chambers at Auschwitz
  • Final Solution

    Final Solution
    The Final Solution was Nazi Germany's systematic plan during World War II to diberatley annihilate and physically harm the Jewish people, resulting in the most deadly phase of the Holocaust, the destruction of Jewish communities in continental Europe.
  • Start Of Deportation and Extermination camps

    Start Of Deportation and Extermination camps
    The beginning of deportations was started in conquered countries. The people being deported were taken to Auschwitz. Around this time, Auschwtiz became an extermination camp instead of a concentration camp. Mass murders began with firing squads, gas chambers, and medical experiments, while others died of malnutrition.
  • Jews in Germany Sent to Camps

    Jews in Germany Sent to Camps
    Himmler orders all the Jewish people in Germany to be sent to the extermination camps of Auschwitz and Majdanek.
  • Ghetto Destruction

    Ghetto Destruction
    The Nazis ordered all of the ghettos in Poland and Soviet Union to be destroyed. Himmler orders all Jews to be evactuated from ghettos and sent to extermination camps.
  • Rebellion

    Auschwitz prisoners rebel and blow up one crematorium.
  • Destruction of Crematories

    Destruction of Crematories
    Himmler orders the destruction of some crematories in Auschwitz to leave no trace of the thousands dead.
  • Death Marches

    Death Marches
    The Nazis empty Auschwitz and start prisoners on "death marches" to Germany.
  • Surrender

    Germany surrenders with the signing of General Alfred Jodl. The war was ended in Europe.