Derecho a la mujer

The Holly Time Line by: Luis Enrique Sánchez Ortiz

  • The National Women's Alliance

    The National Women's Alliance
    The National Women's Alliance is integrated thanks to many female secretaries such as: CNC, CTM, SNTE, etc. This alliance is satisfied with requesting access to public positions for women. Matilde Rodriguez Cabo is appointed head of the Department of Social Welfare of the Secretary of the Interior.
  • Article 115

    Article 115
    The Chamber of Deputies approves the initiative of President Miguel Aleman, which added Article 115 of the Constitution, which established that women would participate in municipal elections on equal terms with men, which is the right to vote and the right to be voted.
  • First women voted

    First women voted
    From the Reform of Article 115 of the Constitution, it is granted to women to vote and be voted in municipal electoral processes at the national level. Some of those early women are:
    - María del Carmen Martín del Campo becomes the first Municipal President of Aguascalientes.
    - In the Federal District, Aurora Fernández is appointed Delegate of Milpa Alta and Guadalupe I. Ramírez of Xochimilco.
  • Ruiz Cortines Promise

    Ruiz Cortines Promise
    Before 20,000 women, the candidate Ruiz Cortines promises in his speech: "If the vote favors us in the next elections, we intend to initiate before the Chambers the necessary legal reforms so that women enjoy the same political rights as men."
  • Reformed articles 34 and 115

    Reformed articles 34 and 115
    In an ordinary session of the Chamber of Deputies, articles 34 and 115 are declared reformed. The new text of constitutional article 34 is published: “Citizens of the Republic are men and women who, having the status of Mexicans, also meet the following requirements: to have reached 18 years of age, being married, or 21 if they are not married, and to have an honest way of living”. Mexican women acquire full citizenship which was claimed in 1824 and formulated in 1876.
  • First woman to cast her vote for federal deputies.

    First woman to cast her vote for federal deputies.
    Women go to the polls to elect federal deputies for the XLIII Legislature. The first to cast her vote was María Izaguirre de Ruiz Cortines. The women who were elected were: Remedios Albertina Ezeta, for the state of Mexico; Margarita García Flores, for Nuevo León; Guadalupe Ursúa Flores, from Jalisco, and Marcelina Galindo Arce, from Chiapas.
  • Deputy Owner of the opposition.

    Deputy Owner of the opposition.
    Macrina Rabadán becomes the first deputy owner of the opposition, for the Popular Socialist Party, in the XLIV Legislature
  • First two senators of the Republic

    First two senators of the Republic
    Alicia Arellano Tapia and María Lavalle Urbina become the first two senators of the Republic for the party in power, representing Sonora and Campeche. Lavalle Urbina became president of the Senate.
  • Begins to influence feminism

    Begins to influence feminism
    Women in Solidarity Action (WSA) is born. This is the first of a series of feminist groups influenced by American and European feminism; feminism raises the phrase "the personal is political".
  • Year / International Women's Day

    Year / International Women's Day
    Established by the United Nations (UN) as the International Year of Women. The celebration of International Women's Day begins every March 8.
  • "The UN more inclusive than ever"

    "The UN more inclusive than ever"
    The UN General Assembly; invites all States to proclaim, in accordance with their historical traditions and national customs, one day of the year as United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace. Countries are urged to continue helping to create favorable conditions for the elimination of discrimination against women and for their full participation in the process of social development.
  • First female governor

    First female governor
    Griselda Álvarez Ponce de León becomes the first governor of a state of the Mexican Republic: Colima. She held the position until 1985.
  • National Program for the Integration of Women

    National Program for the Integration of Women
    The National Program for the Integration of Women in Development is created, which proposed a set of specific initiatives aimed at promoting the improvement of the social condition of women.
  • Creation of the National Commission for Women

    Creation of the National Commission for Women
    A commission is installed to coordinate sectoral activities and projects in the matter and prepare Mexico's participation in the Third World Conference on Women. The National Commission for Women is created
  • First Opposition Senator

    First Opposition Senator
    Ifigenia Martínez Hernández becomes the first opposition senator, as part of the LIV Legislature (1988 - 1991).
  • Article 175

    Article 175
    The Chamber of Deputies debates section III of article 175 of the Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures. This same day, the proposal of several deputies was approved, which reads: "The political parties will promote, in the terms determined by their internal documents, a greater participation of women in the political life of the country, through their nomination for positions of popular election. ”.
  • National Women's Program

    National Women's Program
    The Mexican government creates the National Program for Women, Alliance for Equality as a sectoral program that reports to the Secretary of the Interior, within the National Development Program
  • Section XXII - Article 1

    Section XXII - Article 1
    In a debate in the Chamber of Deputies, the women propose and approve an addition to the transitory section XXII of article 1 of the Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures, which states that "the national political parties will consider in their statutes that the candidacies for deputies and senators do not exceed 70 percent for the same gender. Likewise, they will promote greater political participation of women.”
  • Extra fact

    Extra fact
    On October 17, the 50th anniversary of the granting of the vote to women in Mexico is commemorated. The Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination is created.
  • Extra Fact

    Extra Fact
    The actresses Jane Fonda, Christine Lahti and Sally Field, and the writer Eve Ensler, lead a march in the Mexican city of Ciudad Juárez, bordering the United States, demanding justice for the murders of hundreds of women during the past decade.
  • Extra Fact

    Extra Fact
    The United Nations System in Mexico organizes a seminar on the Situation of Women in Mexico, 30 years after the First World Conference on Women, held in Mexico in 1975. The seminar is attended by heads and representatives of specialized agencies of the United Nations, government institutions and civil society, such as: UNESCO, UNICEF, UN Habitat, InMujeres, Indesol and the Federation of Women's Labor Organizations of the State of Mexico.