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The Airplane.

By were12
  • The beginning

    The beginning
    The very first flight was conducted by the Wright brothers it lasted only 12 seconds but it was still the first proper flight
  • The royal airforce

    The royal airforce
    The royal airforce was formed
  • Across the ocean

    Across the ocean
    The first transatlantic flight was conducted by John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown it took them 16 hours
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    The first woman to fly across the ocean

    Amelia Earhart flies across the atlantic and becomes the first woman to fly across the ocean. it took her 15 hours
  • The jet engine is invented

    The jet engine is invented
    Frank Whittle invents the jet engine
  • Jets that fly

    Jets that fly
    The first fully jet propeled aircaft is flown. the German Heinkel He 178 was flown by german test pilot Erich Warsitz.
  • The formation of the Airforce

    The formation of the Airforce
    The U.S. airforce is formed
  • Past the speed of sound

    Past the speed of sound
    Chuck Yeager an american test pilot broke the speed of sound in the Bell X-1 named after his first wife Glamorous Glennis.
  • Boeings Best Seller

    Boeings Best Seller
    The Boing-747 makes its first commercial flight. This may seem boring for some but the 747 is the largest selling commercial airplane they have sold 1,558.
  • Around the world

    Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager become the the first people to make a nonstop fight around the world from california to california it took them 94 hours, 1 minute
  • around and around

    Steve Fossett preforms the first solo flight around the world it took him 67 hours
  • Period: to

    sun around the world

    The Solar Impulse 2 is the first solar powered plane to fly around the world it the pilots Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg 505 days to travle around the world