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The history of video games

  • The First Video Game-1958

    The First Video Game-1958
    This was created by physicist William Hingebothin. and it was a very simple table tennis game.
  • The first Interactive computer game-1961

    The first Interactive computer game-1961
    Steve Russel created Space War in 1961!
  • First Video Arcade game

    First Video Arcade game
    in 1970 Nolan Bushnell and Tab Dabney created the first arcade game, which was an adapted version of Ralph Baer's SpaceWars
  • The First Home Video game System

    The First Home Video game System
    Bushnell and Dabney created the first home video game system, on which pong was the first game. with a production of 150,000 units
  • Pong/Magnavox Vs. Atari

    Pong/Magnavox Vs. Atari
    After Atari's pong became a hit, Ralph Baer sought legal action against Atari. He claimed that Atari's Co-founder Nolan Bushnell had copied Magnavox's game of electronic ping pong. Bushnell settled out of court in 1976 even though his lawyer suggested that it be taken to trial.
  • Pong // Magnavox Vs. Atari

    Pong // Magnavox Vs. Atari
    In 1972, Atari’s electronic table tennis game Pong became a bonafide craze—and Ralph Baer, inventor of the Magnavox Odyssey gaming console, sought legal action against Atari. Baer claimed that Atari co-founder Nolan Bushnell had copied Magnavox’s version of electronic Ping-Pong after Bushnell played the game at a Magnavox dealership demo a few months before Pong was released.Bushnell settled the lawsuit out of court in 1976, despite his lawyer’s advice to take it to trial.
  • Unlicensed Nintendo Games// Nintendo Vs. Tengen

    Unlicensed Nintendo Games// Nintendo Vs. Tengen
    In 1987, the Atari Corporation split into two divisions and tried to negotiate a less restrictive license with Nintendo, but the company refused. Tengen turned to the United States Copyright Office to acquire designs of Nintendo’s “lock-out” chip to reverse engineer and bypass so they could sell as many unlicensed video games for the NES as they wanted. They sued the company for copyright and patent infringement. The U.S. courts sided with Nintendo.
  • Nintendo

    Nintendo created their first console called the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It wasn't released in the U.S until 1986
  • Tetris

    Playable on PC, Russian programmer Alex Pajitnov creats the popular game tetris
  • Nintendo Game Boy

    Nintendo Game Boy
    Nintendo releases the handheld Game Boy. This was the first mainstream video game handheld device, and helped jumpstart a number of famous franchises
  • Super NES

    Super NES
    Released in the U.S by Nintendo for $249.95
  • Age Ratings

    Age Ratings
    it was made mandatory for creators to add age ratings to the package to limit children's exposer to sensitive content.
  • Sony and Nintendo

    Sony and Nintendo
    Sony Brings the PlayStation to the U.S and sells for $299. It became the most popular game console in 1997, with 20 million units sold.
    Nintendo releases the Nintendo 64 in Japan (1996 in the U.S)
  • Sony and The Sims

    Sony and The Sims
    Sony's PlayStation 2 launches and sells out by early morning. The Sims is released and quickly becomes a hit, and by 2002 it became the best selling PC game ever
  • Microsoft and Nintendo

    Microsoft and Nintendo
    Microsoft Introduces the Xbox, their next generation gaming device for 299.99 a pop, with a built in hard drive and Ethernet port. Nintendo released its Gamecube, and delivers new forms of interactive gaming for players.
    Nintendo releases the gameboy as well a portable gaming console.
  • Nintendo DS

    Nintendo DS
    Nintendo releases a new portable system with two screens, one of which could be used as a touch screen.
  • Nintendo and Sony

    Nintendo and Sony
    Nintendo releases the Wii, a gaming system that lets gamers use the controller in a slew of new ways, such as swinging it like a tennis racket, or holding and tilting it like a steering wheel. Sony debuts the PlayStation 3, a very sophisticated and expensive game system
  • GTA 4 and Social Games

    GTA 4 and Social Games
    Grand Theft Auto 4 breaks sales records in its first week after gamers bought more than 6 million copies.
    The Wii Fit is launched
    Social gaming becomes popular with Farmville and Angry Birds
  • Skyrim

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim showcases the beauty, majesty, and massiveness of video games as players explore a seemingly endless, beautifully rendered fantasy world.
  • Sony and Microsoft

    Sony and Microsoft
    Both Sony (PlayStation 4) and Microsoft (Xbox One) release new gaming platforms this year.
    Nintendo also released the Wii U in December, 2012
  • Knack

    Knack, the hit game makes its debut for the PS4 and astounds the gaming community with its immersive gameplay and lack of repetitive mechanics such as jumping. This game is the epitome of modern gaming and is hard bar to overcome for future games.
  • Knack 2

    Knack 2
    Knack 2 shatters all records set by Knack 1, adding a new playable knack, Ice knack. This game essentially destroyed the gaming community and banished it to the shadow realm, not only due to its graphics, and gameplay, but also due to the sheer story telling capabilities of the knack team. This game shoots video games into the future.