Tennis for two was the first Video game created in 1958 by Willi Higinbotham
Spacewar was the first interactive video game, created by Steve Russell in 1961
Computer Space becomes the first video arcade game
Atari was named after a japanese game "Go" it is the same as "check" in chess
The worlds first 3D video game was created it was called Battlezone
In January of 1980 Namco released Pacman originally called Puck-Man because U.S. feared that american public will change the name to something more offensive
Donkey Kong was the first game created that had four levels, and it introduced Mario.
Sony Playstation was released in Japan, it was the first of the three palystation yet to come out
Nintendo 64 introduced it changed the world of videe games
Sega released the Dreamcast in was the first video game that ran on microsoft windows
Microsoft released Xbox 360 it introduced Xbox Live which players can compete against each other, download games, and movies
Playstation 3 is the third home video game made by Sony computer Enterainment