When Did it Even Start?
Being a vet didn't actually become a profession until 1716, but when the profession came along, a veterinary school came with it. https://knowledge.rcvs.org.uk/heritage-and-history/history-of-the veterinaryprofession/#:~:text=However%20it%20was%20with%20the,be%20said%20to%20have%20started. -
Youngest Vet To Live
Courtney Oliver Middleton, the youngest person to start becoming and to become a vet, started when she was only 10. She was a good vet and passed her first exam when she was just fifteen, top that! https://www.veterinarypracticenews.com/meet-courtney-a-15-year-old-veterinary-assistant/ -
In Honour To Us All
The National Salmonella Center worked with the US Army to produce blood tests to look for antibodies in response to salmonella infections in military personnel on the war fronts. https://vetsci.ca.uky.edu/content/historical-timeline -
A Virus Worth Killing Horses
Equine viral arteritis (EVA) is an infectious viral
disease of horses that causes a number of distant
symptoms, most serious in abortions. While the disease is rare, it can be fatal. https://www.aphis.usda.gov/publications/animal_health/content/printable_version/fa_equine_viral_arteritis.pdf -
We Want Schools!
During the last half of the nineteenth century and into the mid-twentieth century, 41 US veterinary school, didn't exist. However, only 28 veterinary schools are in existence in the United States, with the first of those accepted in 1879. 18 more schools had been established by 1959. This was important for those people who wanted to be a a vet. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3016659/ -
Surgical Star Wars???
The first medical laser was said to have existed in 1962 according to Leon Goldman. These lasers are devices that generate a beam of light energy at a specific wavelength. It decreases pain and infection. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/laser-surgery-for-dogs#:~:text=By%20Ernest%20Ward%2C%20DVM&text=LASER%20is%20an%20acronym%20for%20Light%20Amplification%20by%20Stimulated%20Emission%20Radiation.&text=The%20most%20commonly%20used%20veterinary,thereby%20%22cutting%22%20the%20tissues. -
Slices of Bread
The Computed Tomography Scan or the C.A.T scan was installed around 1974-1976, this helped vets and doctors by taking a three-dimensional scan of a person allowing the doctor to look at a animals like slices of bread. This helped them look and find tumors. https://animalpetdoctor.homestead.com/History3.html -
Ebola Acknowledgement
Frederick Murphy at CDC was one of the first people to actually visualize the ebola virus, his career was more based on studying rabies, viral encephalitides and other zoonoses. He also played a key role in the Ebola virus in general. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4622270/#:~:text=Taken%20by%20Frederick%20Murphy%20at,the%20printed%20negative%2C%20...&text=Ebola%20River%2C%20ca. -
First Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (M.N.R)
The M.N.R didn't only just help veterinarians, but it also help the medical field. However it played a huge role in the veteran field because it gave a full body scan of the animals and help catch things the naked eye and other machines couldn't. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/theymadeamerica/whomade/damadian_hi.html#:~:text=Raymond%20Damadian%20made%20an%20important,body%20scanner%20in%20July%201977. -
Don't Use Our Chimp?!
A news story about the importance of nonhuman primates in research toward developing an AIDS vaccine was accompanied by this photo of one of the chimpanzees being raised “in a healthy man-made environment” in Maryland. https://www.avma.org/javma-news/2015-10-15/1985-1995 -
Killer of the Crows
August 23, 1999 there was an encephalitis outbreak that killed a bunch of crows, zoo pathologist Tracey McNamara, was the one who linked the crow deaths to this humane virus. The virus definitely wasn't like covid, but to the crows it was the plague. They called this virus the west nile virus. https://animalpetdoctor.homestead.com/History3.html -
How Much Money???
May of 2010 Kansas State University gave out a $100,000 worth of federal loan waived to five people. One of those people was Scott Morey, who earned his doctor of veterinary medicine degree, and joined the Tallgrass Veterinary Hospital as one of its two veterinarians. The hospital is a mixed animal practice, although its major focus is on large animals like livestock. https://www.kstate.edu/media/newsreleases/nov10/moreyloans110410.html -
Copy & Pasting Sheep
The first ever successful animal clone took place on March 26, 2016. It was a transgenic sheep produced with a simplified technique with handmade cloning. It was a female sheep and her name was Dolly. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/04/120419102436.htm#:~:text=Scientists%20have%20made%20a%20significant,born%20on%20March%2026%2C%202012. -
First Lady Dean
On february 2018 the College of Veterinary Medicine appointed its very first female dean. In case you didn't know, the college was meant for mainly veterinary needs. https://cvm.missouri.edu/about-the-college/college-history/ -
Cya Later Vets!!
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, vets had to close down in order to prevent the spread of this disease. Some hospitals had to do curbside assistance because healthcare workers in the human health fields only helped humans with covid, but what happened to the animals with covid? So vets had no choice but to step up and "pandemic-proof" their hospitals. https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2020-09/pandemic-proofing-your-hospital/