
Timeline of Twitter

  • Twitter Beginnings

    Twitter Beginnings
    The name Twitter (spelt twttr at the time) is chosen for the service. Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams and Biz Stone wanted it to be like text messaging, including the character limitation.
  • Twitter's First Tweet

    Twitter's First Tweet
    Jack Dorsey (@Jack), Evan Williams (@Ev) and Biz Stone (@Biz) had big plans for Twitter but they likely had no idea how popular it would truly become. On March 22, 2006, @Jack sent the first tweet: “just setting up my twttr.” It would be the beginning of a revolution.
  • A "Shaking" Opportunity

    A "Shaking" Opportunity
    Twitter users tweet about a mild (4.4 on the Richter scale) earthquake in California. The event helps Twitter's team see the potential of Twitter as a way for many people to contribute to the reporting of a live event, each from his or her own vantage point.
  • #hashtag

    The hashtag (#) debuts on Twitter, first proposed by user Chris Messina.
  • Accounts are Verified

    Accounts are Verified
    In June 2008, Verified Accounts feature was launched. Making use of some verification program Twitter verified the accounts of celebrities and other business personalities. This program was launched to make sure that the user follow the celebrity accounts created by the celebrity themselves. The symbol for the verified account is a “Blue Tick Mark” beside the name of the account.
  • Definition of Twitter

    Definition of Twitter
    During July 2009, Twitter achieved a spot in one of the most respected English Dictionary- Collins English Dictionary – with the word defined as noun and verb.
  • Tweet Tweet

    Tweet Tweet
    In September 2009, the picture of a bird was made the default avatar. In Late 2009, “Twitter Lists” feature was added to enable the user follow the list of authors or accounts instead of individual one.
  • ''It Came from Outer Space"

    ''It Came from Outer Space"
    The defining moment of Twitter came in 2010 when NASA astronaut T. J. Creamer tweeted live from International Space Station.
  • A New Beginning

    A New Beginning
    Evan Williams steps down as CEO, and Dick Costolo takes over. The company starts making acquisitions, closes a $800 million Series G, puts its advertising plans to fruition, launches site redesigns, and continues to grow.
  • Vine Joins in

    Vine Joins in
    Twitter acquired in October 2012, Vine, which is a short-form video sharing service where users can share six-second-long looping video clips. Vine was founded in June 2012. Users' videos are published through Vine's social network and can be shared on other services such as Facebook. Vine's app can also be used to browse through videos posted by other users, along with groups of videos by theme, and trending, or popular, videos.