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The history of tourism development

By Airias
  • Stages of tourism development

    Stages of tourism development
    There are four stages in the history of tourism development
    The first stage is from antiquity to the beginning of the XIX century.
    The second stage is from the beginning of the XIX century to the beginning of the XX century.
    The third stage is from the beginning of the twentieth century to the Second World War.
    The fourth stage is after the Second World War to the present day.
  • An interesting fact about the development of tourism №1

    An interesting fact about the development of tourism №1
    According to research by the World Tourism Organization, the number of international tourist trips increases every year. In 2019, more than 1.4 billion international trips were recorded.
  • An interesting fact about the development of tourism №2

    An interesting fact about the development of tourism №2
    Eco-tourism is becoming increasingly popular among travelers who seek to visit natural and environmentally friendly places.
  • An interesting fact about the development of tourism №5

    An interesting fact about the development of tourism №5
    The beginning of organized tourism dates back to the end of the XVIII century, when the fashion for traveling in Europe began.
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    An interesting fact about the development of tourism №6
    The most popular tourism destinations in the world are France, Spain, the USA, China and Italy
  • An interesting fact about the development of tourism №7

    An interesting fact about the development of tourism №7
    Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of the global economy and provides more than 10% of the GDP of many countries.
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    An interesting fact about the development of tourism №8
    Space tourism is becoming a reality, with companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin working to develop commercial spaceflight.
  • An interesting fact about the development of tourism №9

    An interesting fact about the development of tourism №9
    The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously affected the tourism industry worldwide, causing travel restrictions and a reduction in the number of tourists.
  • What is tourism?

    What is tourism?
    Tourism as a mass social phenomenon began to take shape only after the Second World War, although the roots of tourism go back to the deep past.
  • An interesting fact about the development of tourism №3

    An interesting fact about the development of tourism №3
    In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to sustainable tourism, which is designed to minimize the negative impact of tourism on the environment and local communities.
  • An interesting fact about the development of tourism №4

    An interesting fact about the development of tourism №4
    The development of technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality opens up new opportunities for tourism, allowing travelers to experience unique experiences without actually traveling.