First conutry to send a satellie into orbit
In the later 1950s and early 1960s, the U.S. Department of Defense was concerned about nuclear attack by the Soviet Union, which became the first country to send a sattellie into orbit -
First breakthrough
Scientists in California and Utah succeeded in sending a message between two computers -
Transatlantic cables had been laid, that made an internationalv network possible
increasing in computer networks
throughout the 1980s there was increasing intrest in computer networks and thid had effects as other US agencies an insitutions developed their own networks -
Large companies began adding their own networks
early 1980s -
ARPANET was a growing network that had expanded to include over 200 smaller networks
National Science Foundation funded Computer Science Network for use by educational and research insitutions that did not have access to ARPANET
Necessity for such a system was recognized
the number of host computers linked to the internet approached the 2000 mark
National Science Foundation Network
with funding provided by NSF, NASA, and the Department of Education, CSNET became the National Science Foundation Newtwork, offering e-mail and connections to the super computers at Princeton , the University of California, University of San Diego, and Cornell. -
NSF allowed two commercial e-mail services to connect to the network, setting the phenomenal growth and development of the global enterprise side if the Web
demand took off exponetially
escalating from from 1 million host computers in 1993 to 110 million by 2001 -
developed Mosaic software that offered a graphical interface to sites that were accessible via the internet
at the University if Illinios at Urbana-Champaign, and undergraduate Marc Andreessen -
World Wide Web had become reality
Web traffic on NSFNET measured 0.1% og the total traffic on the network -
traffic on network
the figure escalated to 1%, an increase of a full order of magnitude -
private companies know as INternet Service Providers...
began maintaining the backbone that connected the nations computers