300 BCE
How people once laundered
Before the washing machines were invented people searched for how to clean their clothes and used all kinds of solutions like washing the river on rocks or rubbing them with sand and water -
Washing machine for the first time
In 1767 Jacob Christian Schafran built a manual washing machine. Operated by a drum that rotates quickly when rotating the lever attached to it -
The first improvement to the washing machine
The first person to think the washing machine could be improved was Henry Sidgier. - In 1782 he presented a crate in which a simple cage was attached, to which were attached wooden rods and a handle intended for the washing round -
Washing machine that rotates in two directions
In 1858 Hamilton Smith invented a drum-based washer-operated washer but it could be rotated in two different directions which made the clothes come out much cleaner and made many people want it -
The manual washer progresses to the automatically
The tor was invented by Elohay Jay Fischer in 1908, who built a box-shaped washer with a drum inside and outside an electric motor with a screwdriver. His machine was thought to be a breakthrough because the tin in it was made of corrugated metal, resistant to rust. -
The washing machine we know today
Today the washing machines are working to clean fabrics. Put the detergent in the washer and push with a push of a button making it effective in the short amount of time it cleans and requires no effort to operate it and can be found in any home