Utc flag old

the history of the united tables

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    pre skirmish period

    this was a period of no action and just new nation and unsuitability
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    the early days

    the start of the new nation and some of its first problems
  • boredom

    chase on this day started this entire feasko with the other people at the table and said lets start a table nation then started the united tables
  • The UTC first president

    jasher something Dixon is the first president of the UTC and his VP was veron gabers the other oponite in the election
  • the first president resignation

    jasher Dixon said the next day walking in that he wanted veron to be president ,his VP
  • the banishment of the first president

    jasher had the next day sat at a different table they all sa it as treason and banishment him
  • conner joining

    conner joining
    this is the day when conner joined me the person righting this I would change the UTC for the better the first thing i do is rebuke them for banishing jasher and said it was necessary because he was on va ca
  • chase adam as presdent

    this was a week of his presidents he won ageist veron and won now veron was VP during this week he got a lot of progress done in making the constitution overall in my honest opion his presidents was a good one
  • nationle stuff

    this was the day the president wasent there so joe me/conner and 2 others made a lot of nation things like flowers and colors plus we desided what would be on our flag which you have seen to be green,blue,and white and has Shrek with a kit cat on it
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    a lot of enamels

    there were 2 cold wars one with the toa and one with the bradain empire
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    over population crises

    are population ballooned, consing a lot of problems and instability
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    the first and second UTC civil wars ish

    these "wars" were realy a lot of talk and no shooting plus a ridicules amount of espanosh
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    the skirmishes period

    this is when we started small scale fighting of 3 v 3 to 5 v 10
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    the summer

    this is the summer and o my god a lot happend plus we started prcdacing
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    the 3 UTC civil war

    this was the next civil war and it was a dusy and it ended with the clapase of the first government which in the form it was would never happen again
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    this was the rebuilding of the UTC military and prepping it to reatac the homeland
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    war time baby

    time for war agenst Joe and to retac the homeland