The History of The Somalian Pirates

By samgeo
  • The Beginning

    After the collapse of the central government the Somali Navy disbanded. With Somali waters undefended, foreign fishing trawlers began illegally fishing on the Somali seaboard and ships began dumping industrial and other waste off the Somali coast. This led to erosion of the fish stock and local fishermen started to band together to try to protect their resources. An escalation began, leading to weapons being used and tactics such as taking over a foreign ship until their owners paid a ransom.
  • Tensions Rise

    As the piracy off the coast of Somalia pick up it poses a bigger threat against worldwide trade , as the treats increase a new group forms under the name of A combined task force . This task force is assembled to fight off the piracy in Somalia
  • Struggles

    As the naval vessels attempt to intercept the Somalian pirates they run into some problems . The Pirates usually operate very close or near the Somalian waters . As the naval ships close in on the prtaes they can juts go back into the Somalia waters and the ships are required to stay out of Somalian waters
  • A new wave of hope

    Due to improved anti piracy measures the shipping boats have a new wave of hope , some of the new measure these boats are taking consist of the following . These ships have started arming their crew , adding high pressure hoses to shoo off pirates , and also they have increased there security on the outside such as security and more cameras and stuff like that .
  • U.S. intervention

    In late February 2011 piracy targeting smaller yachts and collecting ransom made headlines when four Americans were killed aboard their vessel, Quest, by their captors, while a military ship shadowed them. A federal court in Norfolk, Virginia, sentenced three members of the gang that seized the yacht to life imprisonment.
  • Expansion

    According to reports made by the Iranian and Indian government there has been a multitude of pirate attacks near India and Iran which is thousands of miles from the coast from Somalia showing the pirates dedication and there will .
  • Recent Activity

    A tanker, which had been carrying fuel from Djibouti to Mogadishu, was hijacked off the coast of Somalia on 13 March 2017.[63] This was the first reported hijacking of a large commercial vessel in five years. Two skiffs approached the tanker and boarded the vessel off the northern coast of Somalia.
  • The Big Picture

    This may seem like its not a big deal but these pirates have really effected global trade . All together the pirates have taken between 339 and 413 million dollars in good and cash in 7 years