The History of the planes By lil' dino Jan 1, 1804 The first winged aircraft was made winged aircraft was made 1804-1896 the first winged aircraft was made Jan 1, 1896 The first powered aircrafts powered aircraft 1896-1901 powered aircraft were made Jan 1, 1903 The first gasoline-powered model first gasoline-powered model 1903-1910 the first gasoline-powered model was made Jan 1, 1919 The first flights across the ocean began transatlantic flight 1919-1933 was the transatantis flight Jan 1, 1933 The first passenger planes are made airliner planes 1933-2015 used to travel around the world Jan 1, 1969 The first larger passenger jets are made larger planes 1969-2015 the large jet planes are around Jan 1, 1990 B-2 Bombers are developed B-2 bomers 1990=2015 B-2 are developed Jan 1, 2001 AAI RQ-7 Shadow 200 Tactical AAI RQ-7 Shadow 200 Tactical 2001-2015 Jan 1, 2004 Boeing / Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche Boeing / Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche 2004-2015 Jan 1, 2009 Boeing EA-18G Growler Boeing EA-18G Growler 2009-2015