Ancestor of the Pencil
The ancestor of the pencil is the roman stylus. The date it was made is unmentioned. (The date mentioned is a random date.) -
Jul 7, 1564
First graphite pencil
When graphite became massed discovered it was known to leave a darker mark than lead. It's so soft that it requires someone to hold it. Month and day not mentioned.
Found image at:
Found info at:>http://pencils.com/pencil-history/</a> -
Ugrade to the Pencil
A new method of making pencil lead more durable, which is still used today. They mixed clay with the graphite and then put it in a kin oven. The more graphite in the mixture the softer the pencil lead is.
Pic found at http://markdaviesdrawings.com/images/graphite.jpg
Info found at http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/students/kzage/ithistory.html -
America's First Wood Pencil
(Day and month not mentioned)
The US got pencils from England intill the War of 1812 cut off pencil supply to the US. William Monroe is credited for America's first wooden pencil.
Found pic at: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~wigcbiog/GbiosPics/GbiosP004.jpg
Found info at: http://pencils.com/pencil-history/ -
First Pencil Sharpener
The first pencil sharpener was made in 1828(month and day not mentioned). Before then the only way to sharpen a pencil was whittling it with a knife which took buttloads of skill. The pencil sharpener didn't catch on because it wasn't much better than knife whittling. The pencil sharpener became way better in 1847.
Pic and info found at http://www.swinglineblog.com/05/history-pencil-sharpeners-2/ -
First Pencil Factpry
The first pencilk making factory in recorded history is in Keswick.Month and day are not mentioned.
Pic found at http://www.astonishingprovidence.com/images/www.njn.net/artsculture/starts/pressroom/2406/PencilFactoryB.JPG
Info found at http://www.pencilmuseum.co.uk/history/ -
Period: to
US Uses New Kind of Wood for Pencils
(no specified date, all that was mentioned was early 1900s)
The original wood used for american pencils was the Eastern Red Cedar. In the early 1900s more wood was needed to make more pencils. In the Sierra Nevada mountains they found Incense-cedar. This tree grew in abundance and made better pencils too.
Found info at: http://pencils.com/pencil-history/ -
First mechanical pencil
Info and pciture link:http://www.vintagepens.com/Eversharp_history.htm
The person who made invented the mechanical is Hayakawa Tokuji and he invented it in 1915 when he was 21 years old. -
The Ever Sharp Pencil
Only year mentioned.
info and pic at: http://sharp-world.com/corporate/info/his/h_company/1915_1919/
The develepment of thin lead with proggressive improvements in the 1916s lead to the metalic pencil. It had a name before the Ever Sharp Pencil. -
Present Day Pencils
Today there all a bunch of different kinds of pencils. There are normal wood pencils, colored pencils, mechanical pencils and more. Our society relies heavily on pencils to do simple task like doing homework, making a blue print, writing and essay and more.
Found image at: http://www.artdiscount.co.uk/media/catalog/category/pencils-2.jpg