1800 BCE
Joseph Family Stays In Egypt
Jacob's family is allowed to stay in Egypt because of Joseph and is blessed by God. -
Period: 1800 BCE to 1445 BCE
The Book Of Exodus
1700 BCE
Israelites Multiply In Egypt
Joseph and his brothers are dead, but the Israelites are being fruitful too God and multiply greatly in Egypt -
1600 BCE
Israelites Oppressed by new King
The new king of Egypt is worried that the Israelites will over populate them. -
1539 BCE
Pharaoh's Order to Kill The Firstborn
Pharaoh gives an order to all his people to throw every firstborn in the nile. -
1525 BCE
The Birth And Adoption Of Moses
Moses was born by a Levite women. The Levite women hid Moses for three months, but when she could hide him no longer she got a basket for Moses and put him in it. Pharaoh's daughter ended finding him and adopted him. -
1486 BCE
Moses Flees into Midian
Moses saw an Egyptian beating a slave so he ended up killing him and burying him in the sand. -
1446 BCE
Israelites Groan Into Slavery
The Israelites groaned into their slavery and cried out to God . Their cries of slavery went up to God. -
1446 BCE
The Ten Plagues On Egypt
Moses goes to Egypt to talk to Pharaoh and his staff turns into a snake. Pharaoh summoned the wise men and sorcerers and magicians to do their secret arts. -
1446 BCE
Moses sent a Deliver To Israel
Exodus 3-6
Moses finds a bush that is on fire and God calls out to Moses. God tells him to take off his sandals on where he is standing and tells Moses too tell Pharaoh to let his people go.