The History of the Internet

  • Sputnik

    The USSR launched Sputnik into space which brought with it global communications.
  • Modem Invented

    Modem Invented
    Bell Labs invents the modem which allowed for communication between computers.
  • Leonard Kleinrock

    Leonard Kleinrock
    Leonard Kleinrock leads the development of the theory of packet-switching.
  • J.C.R. Licklider

    J.C.R. Licklider
    Dr. Licklider came up with the earliest ideas about global networking in multiple records regarding an "Intergalactic Computer Network."
  • First Communication Between Computers

    First Communication Between Computers
    Two computers at MIT Lincoln Lab are able to communicate with each other using packet-switching technology.
  • ARPANET Project Started

    ARPANET Project Started
    Robert Taylor initiated the project, which is the base of the internet we have today.
  • ARPANET Sends the Very First Cross Computer Message

    ARPANET Sends the Very First Cross Computer Message
    The first message sent from computer to computer was sent using ARPANET by UCLA student programmer Charles Kline.
  • First Network Email Sent

    First Network Email Sent
    The first email was sent by Ray Tomlinson to himself on a computer next to him which traveled to it using ARPANET.
  • Ethernet

    Robert Metcalfe and David Boggs co-invented Ethernet at Xerox Parc to solve the issue of connecting a room packed with computers.
  • First PC Modem

    First PC Modem
    The world's first PC modem was created by Dale Heatherington and Dennis Hayes and was named the 80-103A.
  • First Emoticon Invented

    First Emoticon Invented
    The first emoticon was invented by Dr. Scott Fahlman, it was a humble smiley face.
  • Domain Name System

    Domain Name System
    Paul Mockapetris further improved the internet when he introduced the domain name system, which allowed users to type in easy to remember names which were then connected to the IP address.
  • Internet Relay Chat

    Internet Relay Chat
    The Internet Relay Chat was invented by Jarkko Oikarinen.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    The World Wide Web is released to the public for the first time on the Internet
  • Amazon

    Amazon was created by Jeff Bezos.
  • Craigslist

    Craigslist Newmark creates Craigslist.
  • Wickipedia

    Wickipedia was founded by Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales as a publicly editable encyclopedia.
  • Facebook

    Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg.
  • YouTube

    YouTube was created by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim.
  • Twitter

    Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams.