ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) is established following an initiative by President Dwight D. Eisenhower
The principle of the transmission of data in small portions emerges. This principle further simplifies the transfer of data within a computer network.
Working with Thomas Merrill, Lawrence G. Roberts connects the TX-2 computer in Massachusetts to the Q-32 in California with a low speed dial-up telephone line creating the first wide-area computer network ever built.
ARPA launches the ARPANET computer network.
An electronic mail system (e-mail) is developed.
The word Internet (internetworking) is used for the first time.
Ethernet, the first local area network, is developed.
The first spam e-mail message is sent, advertising a presentation/open house to sell DECSYSTEM computers:
TCP/IP, the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet, is created.
The first search engine called Archie is created by Alan Emtage, Bill Heelan and J. Peter Deutsch. They named it after the word Archive but without the ‘v’.
The technology of hypertext documents (World Wide Web/www) is developed.
The first computer viruses distributed through the Internet appear.
The first webcam is set up in the Cambridge University computer lab, and used via the internet to monitor the coffee levels. Developers used this to check and see if there was coffee in the next room.
The first Internet browser, NCSA Mosaic 1.0, is created.
The first radio broadcasts made over the Internet.
The first online shops, virtual banks and advertising banners appear.
Google is introduced and becomes one of the prominent and widely used search engines to date.
The first attempts to impose censorship on the Internet are made by several countries.
The MP3 format appears.
Wikipedia is formed, paving the way for collective web content generation and social media.
Streaming TV shows and Movies become possible with the introduction of Hulu. To compete, Netflix and Blockbuster also begin offering online streaming movies, TV shows, and games.
The crew of the International Space Station receives direct access to the Internet.
The total number of websites exceeds 357 million.