The History of the Internet

  • The First Computer is Made

    The First Computer is Made
    The first computer resembling the modern day version was created by Tommy Flowers in December of 1943. It was about the size of a room. The first ever computer that did not look anything like what we would call a computer was created by Charles Babbage in 1832.
  • ARPANET is Created

    ARPANET is Created
    At the time it was created, only four computers were connected to the ARPANET. It stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. ARPANET was the basis for what is now the Internet.
  • Email is Created

    Email is Created
    Ray Tomlinson created email for computers connected to the ARPANET to message each other. Over the years, there has been controversy as to who acutally created it with a scientist in India claiming that he made it. Today, over 100 billion emails are sent every day.
  • The Term 'Internet' is Born

    The Term 'Internet' is Born
    The term is created by Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahan. Their publication, "A Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection" was the first time it was used.
  • The Queen Sends Her First Email

    The Queen Sends Her First Email
    Queen Elizabeth II was at the release to "christen the connnection" and ended up sending her first email through the ARPANET. She used the account username "HME2" for Her Majesty, Elizabeth II.
  • The Domain System is Created

    The Domain System is Created
    A sophisitacted name is given to the system. It is the start of the .host names we are now familiar with. These would include .com, .gov, and .edu.
  • NSFNET is Created

    NSFNET is Created
    NFSNET stands for National Science Foundation Network. It was created for the development of advanced research and education.
  • The World Wide Web is Created

    The World Wide Web is Created
    The World WIde Web took about two years for the inventor, Tim Berners- Lee to create. It was presented at a conference for CERN, a European Organization for Nuclear Research. Berners-Lee is a graduate from Oxford University.
  • HTML, URI and HTTP are Created

    HTML, URI and HTTP are Created
    HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, URI stands for Unifrom Resouce Idenfitier and HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTML is used to create webpages. HTTP is used for retrieving other documents using hypertext links. All were created by Tim Berners-Lee.
  • Wireless Internet Comes Out

    Wireless Internet Comes Out
    Wireless Internet, more commonly known as, Wi-Fi, is a wireless computer network. Wireless prodects that first came out were called WaveLAN. Most devices now use Wi-Fi and it can be found at many places such as resturaunts and malls.
  • The White House and The United Nations Go Online

    The White House and The United Nations Go Online
    This marks a big year for the online world. The United States government as well as the United Nations go online making the online world an official source for information. Also, the number of websites reaches 600 and the number of computers connected to NSFNET reaches 2 million.
  • Yahoo! is Invented

    Yahoo! is Invented
    Yahoo took a whole year to launch after the idea was invented. It was created by David Filo and Jerry Yang. It was launched to the public in March of 1995. Yahoo allows you to search the web for news, articles, websites and information.
  • Netscape is Created

    Netscape is Created
    It was created mainly by founders Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark. It is the first web browser but was lost due to the invention of Internet Explorer. It was also known as Mosaic.
  • Amazon is Founded

    Amazon is Founded
    The official name is Inc. It is an online shopping wbesite carrying items ranging from electronics to furniture to clothing. It was founded by Jeff Bezos in Seattle, Washington.
  • eBay is Launched

    eBay is Launched
    eBay was created by Pierre Omidyar in San Jose. It is a place where users can go online to buy and sell items in an auction fashion. eBay is esitmated to be worth about $70 billion as of May 2015.
  • Google Search Engine is Launched

    Google Search Engine is Launched
    The search engine was created by two friends, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who met at Stanford. The first search engine they created was only for Stanford known as BackRub but only lasted a year. Eventually, they settle on the name Google after the math term refering to the number 1 with 100 zeros after it.
  • Wikipedia Launches

    Wikipedia Launches
    Wikipeda was created by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. It was initially created to be an expert-written website but when that site failed, it was decided that it would be user run. Today, Wikipedia is known for aritcles on a range of topics with information contributed by anyone who wants to. Wikipedia has about 13 million articles in 271 different languages.
  • Skype is Released

    Skype is Released
    Skype, a live video chatting site, is created by two males, Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis, along with many other developers. Skype also allows for direct messaging. It was bought by Microsoft in 2012 for $8.5 billion.
  • Facebook is Launched

    Facebook is Launched
    Facebook is launched by Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard University. It was initially created to profile students and staff but eventually expanded to other universities, high schools and the world. Facebook is worth over $200 billion today.
  • Mozilla Firefox is Released

    Mozilla Firefox is Released
    Mozilla Firefox is a web browser used by more than 400 million people. It was created by Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross. It changed its name many times from Phoenix to Firebird and others before settling with Mozilla Firefox.
  • Youtube Goes Live

    Youtube Goes Live
    Youtube was created as a place to upload and share videos. Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim came up with the idea and eventually became millionaires when they sold Youtube to Google for 1.65 billion dollars.