Internet of things 2

Historic Internet Events

  • 1957-1958

    In 1957, the USSR launches Sputnick, the first orbiting satelitte. The following year, ARPA (Advanced Research Project Agency is founded.
  • Period: to

    History of the Internet

  • APRAnet Myth

    APRAnet Myth
    In the late 1950s- 60s', it was believed that the APRAnet was being developed in case of a nuclear attack. It was believed that if one part of the network was destroyed, the rest would continue to work, which is true, yet the belief that it was for a nuclear attack is false.
  • National Science Foundatoin

    National Science Foundatoin
    In 1980, The National Science Foundation is credited with the birth of the modern "Internet".
  • Mosaic

    Mosaic, the first internet web browser was released in 1993 by the company that will become Netscape.
  • ISP Providers

    ISP Providers
    Internet Service Providers were now being available for commerical use. Prior to ISPs, the only way to access the Internet was through a university or government network
  • Internet Explorer

    Internet Explorer
    Microsoft released the first version of Internet explorer .

    ICANN or Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is developed. This nonprofit organization is used to provide stability to the Internet by monitoring, coordiniating, and maintaining databases with identifiers. It is still an active organization to this day.
  • Increasing Popularity and Internet Access

    Increasing Popularity and Internet Access
    As the ease of Internet access increased, it gained in popularity with much of the public. The Internet began to expand, even though at first, mostly a dial-up connection was needed.
  • NOW

    The Internet is EVERYWHERE! Wireless networks in phones and computers have created a huge online community. With the ease of access now, many students cannot imagine or even remember a time when they did not have access to the Internet