The History of The Internet

  • ARPANET is created

    ARPANET is created
    The first prototype of the internet, the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network is launched.
  • The First Internet Chat

    The First Internet Chat
    Doug Brown and David R. Woolley created the first internet chat called Talkomatic.
  • The Rise of Apple

    The Rise of Apple
    Apple was founded in Cupertino, California by Steve Jobs. They released their first computer the same year.
  • The Internet is publicized

    The Internet is publicized
    Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf created Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol. This allowed for the transmission of data across multiple networks. The internet was now more public.
  • Website Names are established

    Website Names are established
    The Domain Name System introduced .gov, .com, .org, and other names to help differentiate websites.
  • NSFNET is released

    NSFNET is released
    This network was faster and was connected to ARPANET. It was used for academic purposes, connecting students to the internet.
  • HTML is created

    HTML is created
    Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist a CERN, created HyperText Markup Language, which changed the navigation of the internet.
  • The World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web
    Proposed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, the World Wide Web was released publicly in 1991 by CERN.
  • Surfing the Internet

    Surfing the Internet
    The first photo and video are posted. This was when the phrase "surfing the internet" started.
  • Yahoo! - The Early Web Browser

    Yahoo! - The Early Web Browser
    Yahoo! was created by Jerry Yang and David Filo. It was one of the first web browsers.
  • PPP is launched

    PPP is launched
    Point-to-point protocol is launched to help provide a better connection between computers and the internet.
  • Internet Explorer is released

    Internet Explorer is released
    Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 1.0
  • Portable Internet

    Portable Internet
    The Nokia 9000 Communicator became the first mobile phone with access to the internet.
  • Google is born

    Google is born
    Google is created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in Menlo Park, California.
  • The Internet is updated

    The Internet is updated
    Internet Protocol version 6 is introduced. It allowed for the growth of internet addresses in the future.
  • Facebook is launched

    Facebook is launched
    Mark Zuckerberg along with his college roommates created Facebook, the first social networking site.
  • More Social Media

    More Social Media
    Two new social media platforms are created. YouTube and Reddit.
  • Twitter is created

    Twitter is created
    Twitter is founded in San Francisco, California by Jack Dorsey.
  • The Internet's Birthday

    The Internet's Birthday
    The internet reaches its 40th anniversary.
  • The Internet Now

    The Internet Now
    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the internet has allowed people to connect with each other. It has risen in popularity greatly.