Idea of "Intergalactic system"
J.C.R Licklider was considered one of the most prominent in the creation of the internet. He came up with the idea of an "intergalactic system" of communication. -
created by the U.S. military fully in 1968. This started the progression of technology we use today. -
Term Internet created
Bob Khan and Vint Cerf used term "internet in a protocol transmission paper. -
Invention of the Ethernet cable/ coaxial cables
Dr. Robert Metcalfe invented these and this led to local area networks (LAN) covering a small area. -
First spam E- mail
Gary Thuerk sent spam to 400 users of ARPANET advertising new line of minicomputers. -
First modern laptop
Invented by William Moggridge for a program called GRID -
TCP/IP requirement
Everyone was required to use this protocol and this became the core of the internet. -
Idea for .com, .edu, .org, and etc.
Dr. Jon Postel published a series of papers descibing his idea. -
First commercial dial-up internet
The World offered a program as an internet service provider. -
World Wide Web Released
(CREN) released the World Wide Web -
First online pizza ordering
Pizza Hut offered the very first online pizza ordering through their website. -
Creation of the first auction site
Pierre Omidyar created what we now know as Ebay. -
Wi-fi is standardized and Napster created
Wireless internet technology is standardized and Sean Fanning created Napster at age 18. -
Wikipedia is launched changing some domains from .com to .org -
Apple launches Itunes
with 24,000 song sold a quarter of a million dollars very fast. -
Youtube launched revolutionizing web videos and is now among the most used websites. -
Twitter and Facebook created
Both came out at the same time Facebook is the most popular still. -
First I-pad released
Very popular instrument in educational facilities and in the everyday life of a tech junkie. -
Google Fiber
A new faster internet browser that will probably become popular after it is installed. -
Google glass
They are glasses that you can wear and they have a built in camera/recorder. Within the short time they have been out they have been banned in some establishments.