The Internet was Created
Computers Communicate With Each Other Using Packet-Switching Technology
Two computers at MIT Lincoln communicate with one another using packet-switching technology -
The First Message on a Computer is Attempted
The first message on a computer is "LO" which was supposed to be "LOGIN", but the system crashed -
Email is Invented
Ray Tomlinson invents email -
The Term Internet is Born
The University College of England and Royal Radar Establishment connect to ARPANET then the term "Internet" is born -
The First ISP is Born
A commercial version of ARPANET is created known as Telenet -
Domain Name Systems are Born
Domain names are created for ease of remembrance and is still used today -
The First Router is Shipped
The first internet router is shipped by Cisco -
HTML is Created
Nuclear scientist Tim Berners-Lee invents Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) -
The World Wide Web
CERN introduces the World Wide Web (WWW) to the public -
Web Browser for Windows
Microsoft creates a web browser for Windows 95 -
Yahoo! Is Born
The First Online Dating Site is Launched
Match.com launches -
Netflix is Born
Netflix starts as a company that sends users DVD's through mail -
Google is Born
Google changes the way the public browses the internet -
Facebook is Born
Facebook starts the social media craze -
Youtube Is born
Youtube, the number one video sharing site on the internet is born -
Banking Online is Huge
It is reported that 51% of U.S. adults bank online -
Instagram's User Milestone
Instagram hits 400 million users -
Google Assistant
Google reveals Google Assistant, a smart computer assistant connected to the internet