About The Inventor Of Headphones
Nathaniel Baldwin was born in 1878 and died in 1961. He loved making headphones for people to wear and tryout. -
The First Ever Headphones
Nathaniel Baldwin: Engineer who invented the first headphones resembling modern day pairs on his kitchen table in 1910 -
When People Started Using Headphones
In 1912 Nathaniel started making for headphones and asking shops if they wanted to sell them he gave them a name: HEADPHONES. -
People started Getting Headphones
In 1971 headphones got cheaper so lots of people could afford them and everyone walked around with them. -
Headphones Now
In 2010 headphones got more and more popular, by 2015 pretty much everyone in NZ had headphones. The teenagers from all the collages are walking around with headphones and earpods. -
The Most Popular headphones
The most popular headphones now are airpods a lot of people have them they can come in any colour. The company GoerTek invented all the apple products -
Headphones In January 2022
Now everyone has headphones to wear around you can watch youtube and listen to music -
Headphones In August 2022
Now airpods and headphones are more popular then anything everyone is walking around with headphones especially the collage students, no one loves anything more then headphones and airpods. -
Headphones In 2035
Headphones in the future will be like airpods but a little bit diffrent they will look like normal headphones too, but they won't have the top bit.