The History of the Entire World

  • 1950 BCE


  • 1750 BCE


  • 1450 BCE


  • 1184 BCE

    Trojan War

  • 1005 BCE

    King David

    2nd King of Israel
  • 753 BCE

    Beginning of the Roman Monarchy

    Kingdom Founded by Twin Brothers
  • 750 BCE

    Homer Writes

  • 551 BCE

    Confucius Born

  • 521 BCE

    Siddhartha Born

  • 509 BCE

    Beginning of the Roman Republic

    Tarquin the Proud is Deposed
  • 490 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

  • 479 BCE

    Confucius Dies

  • 440 BCE

    Siddhartha Dies

  • 431 BCE

    Peloponnesian War begins

  • 404 BCE

    Peloponnesian War ends

  • 323 BCE

    Death of Alexander the Great

  • 71 BCE

    Death of Spartacus

  • 44 BCE

    Death of Julius Caesar

  • 31 BCE

    Death of Cleopatra

  • 31 BCE

    Death of Marc Antony

  • 32

    Crucifixion of Jesus

  • 70

    Jerusalem Destroyed

    by the Roman Army
  • 79

    Pompeii Destroyed

    by an eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius
  • 220

    End of the Han Dynasty

  • 284

    Diocletian becomes Roman Emperor

  • 311

    Ulfilas is Born

    "Wulfila" invented the Gothic alphabet
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Made Christianity legal
  • 354

    Augustine is Born

    in Hippo, a city in Africa
  • 382

    Ulfilas Dies

    Bishop Wulfila was also a theologian
  • 430

    Augustine Dies

  • 451

    Merovingian Dynasty Ascends

    The dynasty is founded and begins to unify the Franks
  • 476

    The Fall of the Roman Empire

    Romulus Augustulus Abdicates; Odoacer, Germanic Chieftan, rules
  • 511

    Clovis Dies

    He'd united the Franks, left paganism, and joined the followers of Jesus
  • 565

    Justinian Dies

    Byzantine Emperor
  • 570

    Muhammad Born

  • 590

    Gregory I becomes Pope

    Gregory the Great
  • 632

    Muhammad Dies

  • 634

    The Jesus Movement in China

    By 635 A.D., at the latest, Christianity (The Jesus Movement) was established in China
  • Apr 13, 638

    Islam conquers Jerusalem

    Muslim armies attack the Jews and Christians in the city
  • 641

    Islamic Armies Invade and Occupy Egypt and Persia

    Egyptians and Persians forced to abandon their own religions
  • 673

    Venerable Bede is Born

  • Jan 4, 711

    Islam invades Spain

  • 731

    Venerable Bede

    writes his famous history book
  • Oct 10, 732

    The Battle of Tours

    French Successfully Defend Against Islamic Armies; Charles Martel stops Islamic invasion of France
  • 734

    Venerable Bede

  • 751

    Carolingian Dynasty Ascends

    Takes over from Merovingian Dynasty
  • 794

    Heian Period Begins

    Japanese Imperial Era
  • Dec 25, 800

    Charlemagne Become Emperor of Europe

  • Jan 28, 814

    Charlemagne Dies

    a/k/a Karl the Great
  • Jun 4, 827

    Islam invades Sicily

  • Jan 1, 846

    Islam attacks Rome

    Muslim armies plunder the city of Rome
  • 862

    Novgorod is founded

    oldest major city in Russia
  • Nov 23, 912

    Otto the Great is Born

    a/k/a Otto I
  • Jul 2, 936

    Otto I becomes King of Germany

  • Feb 2, 962

    Otto the Great becomes Holy Roman Emperor

  • May 7, 973

    Otto the Great Dies

  • Mar 8, 1001

    Leif Ericsson

    Discovers North America
  • Oct 14, 1066

    The Battle of Hastings

    French Invaders Spoil England; Williams the Conqueror Leads the Norman Invasion
  • Jan 1, 1098

    Hildegard of Bingen is Born

  • Jan 1, 1122

    Eleanor of Aquitaine is Born

  • Sep 17, 1179

    Hildegard of Bingen Dies

  • Apr 1, 1204

    Eleanor of Aquitaine Dies

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    King John Signs it
  • 1227

    Genghis Khan

  • Jan 1, 1290

    Thomas Bradwardine is Born

    Medieval Physicist; exponential acceleration
  • Apr 30, 1337

    The Hundred Years War Begins

  • Mar 8, 1346

    Black Death Plague

    Started Spreading Through Europe in 1346
  • Aug 26, 1349

    Thomas Bradwardine Dies

    Medieval Physicist: exponential acceleration
  • 1453

    Constantinople Captured and Occupied by Islamic Troops

    Renamed "Istanbul" - end of Byzantine Empire
  • Feb 3, 1468

    Johannes Gutenberg Dies

    He invented the printing press
  • May 21, 1471

    Albrecht Dürer is Born

    Renaissance Artist
  • Nov 10, 1483

    Martin Luther is Born

  • Oct 21, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Discovers America

    His crew first sighted land on this date. But Leif Eriksson did it 500 years earlier!
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther's Reformation Begins

    The Posting of the 95 Theses
  • Apr 6, 1528

    Albrecht Dürer Dies

  • 1543

    First Portuguese Sailor Arrives in Japan

  • Feb 18, 1546

    Martin Luther Dies

  • Dec 26, 1564

    William Shakespeare is Born

  • William Shakespeare Dies

  • Thirty Years War Begins

    The Defenestration of Prague
  • John Locke is Born

  • Thirty Years War Ends

  • King Charles I is executed

    Part of Cromwell's Revolution and the English Civil War
  • Charles II Coronated

  • Thomas Hobbes Dies

  • J.S. Bach is Born

  • English Bill of Rights

  • The Declaration of Independence

    The United States Rebels Against Imperialism
  • Immanuel Kant Dies

  • Lincoln Born

  • Beethoven Dies

  • Brahms is Born

  • U.S. Civil War Begins

  • U.S. Civil War Ends

  • Lincoln Dies

  • Unification of Germany

  • Schliemann Discovers Troy

  • Brahms Dies

  • Coolidge Becomes President

    Warren Harding Dies - Coolidge Becomes President of the United States
  • Alan Shepard Becomes The First American in Space

  • Neil Armstrong: First Human on the Moon

    United States Navy Officer Neil Armstrong