600 BCE
The Celts.
Long ago, Celtic tribes, called Britons, lived on this fertile island. Unfortunately, the Celts (pronounced /kelts/) lived in many tribes without one united army. -
Period: 600 BCE to
The history of the English langugh
55 BCE
The Romans.
Roman soldiers successfully invaded the island in the year 43A.D. Romans spoke Latin. Actually, they forced the Britons to do most of the construction work. -
The Anglo-saxons.
From the tribal name Angle (the Angles) came the words England and English. Love, heaven, fight, good, evil. -
The vikings.
The island suffered yet another invasion, bringing changes to the English language. Including freckle, leg, skull, skirt, skin, sky, egg, score, scream. -
The normans.
Still another invasion occurred in 1066. William the Conqueror was a French nobleman from Normandy, France. Nobility, felony, attorney, government. -
Middle English.
The Canterbury Tales. -
The printing press.
Early Modern English began soon after Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in Germany in 1436. Including swagger, gloomy, zany, and bedroom. -
He will die in 1616. There are many important authors in Modern English.