Start of the middle ages
The middle ages started with the collapse of the western roman empire and lasted form the 5th century to the 15th century -
Alchemists from the middle ages
The start of alchamey in the middle east -
Jan 1, 1500
End of the middle ages
The middle ages ended with the flouris of the renaissance culture throughout europe. -
Phosphorous discovered by H.Brand
The element phosphorus was discovered by H Brand, element symbol H with an atomic number of 15 -
Naming the Elements
This is the long tradition of naming each new element in Greek or Latin words -
Magnesium discovered by J.Black
Hydrogen was discovered by H.Cavendish
Oxygen was discoversed by C.W.Scheele
Nitrogen was discovered by D.Rutherford
Chlorine discovered by C.W.Scheele
Beryllium b was discovered by L.N.Vauquelin
Nuclei Atom
The discovery of radioactivity in the late 1800's -
Potassium discovered by H.Davy
Sodium discovered by H.Davy
Boron was discovered by J.L.Gay-Lussac & L.J.Thénard
Calcium disocvered by H.Davy
Lithium was discovered by J.A.Arfwedson
Silicon discovered by J.J.Berzelius
Aluminum discovered by H.C.Ørsted
Helium was discoverd by P.Janssen & J.N.Lockyer
Fluorine disovered by H.Moissan
Argon discovered by Lord Rayleigh & W.Ramsay
plum pudding
JJ.Thomas came up with the plum pudding model and the atomic structure theory -
Neon discovered by W.Ramsay & M.W.Travers
Enrico Fermi
Enrico Fermi was an Italian physicist, best known for his work on Chicago Pile-1, and for his contributions to the development of quantum theory, nuclear and particle physics, and statistical mechanics. -
New Elements
After the bombing of Japan there was discovery of a lot of elements -
COld War
USA and Russia Argue on naming the element
In the race to find new atoms the two countries started to argue about which name should be given, English or Russian.