The earth seen from apollo 17

The History of the Earth

  • Joke

  • Pre-Archean Eon

    Pre-Archean Eon
    It's the first Geologic Eon ,It began 4.6 approx. bya and lasted to approx. 3.6 bya.It's when the Earth and the moon were created.
  • Archean-Eon

    The Archean Eon started 3800 million ear ago to 2500 million ears ago .In that eon the atmosphere was so toxic that the life was not possible in that time.The rocks were forming at that time
  • Proterozoic Eon

    Proterozoic Eon
    The Prterozoic Eon , 2.5 bya. to 554 milion ears ago.Realized big things for the future of life.Stable continets formed.Eubateria formed that is creatin oxygen (metabolism byproduct ).
  • Phanerozoic Eon

    Phanerozoic Eon
    Phanerozoic Eon about 542 mya to present .This is the time were life started.This is the most important time of the earth.It's when everything that we know started
  • Paleozoic Era

    Paleozoic Era
    The Paleozoic Era was about 554 to 245 mya ,during The Paleozoic Era the evolution of fish,reptiles,insects and plants began. It also began the formation of Pangea
  • Cambrian Period

    Cambrian Period
    Cambrian Period about 541 to 595.4 mya New life began ,the life staerted to be complex, the biggest thing that happend in thet period was the hard shell egg,because they could live on land. Most of the life forms were living in oceans
  • Ordovician Period

    Ordovician Period
    The Ordovician period was about 484.4 to 443.4 mya .The first star fish apeard and, the trilobites started grewing horns to protect themselves from predators.
  • Silurian Period

    Silurian Period
    The Silurian Period was about 443 mya to 419.2 mya .In that period a major extinction is happening 70% of the marine life died out .Life start's to appear near bodies of water
  • Devonian Period

    Devonian Period
    Devonian Period was about 419.2 to 359 mya .During the devonian period sea levels were very high covering most of the land.
  • Missippian Period

    Missippian Period
    Mississippianperiod was about 359 to 323.3 mya .The sea level was so high that North America was mostly covered by shallow seas.
  • Pennsylvanian Period

    Pennsylvanian Period
    Pennsylvanian Period was about 323.2 to 298.9 mya .The land became a dense tropical wetland forest ,which later became replaced with drier climate
  • Permian Period

    Permian Period
    Permian period was about 299 to 252 mya .The first modern trees appeared .
  • Mesozoic Era

    Mesozoic Era
    Mesozoic Era about 245 yo 65 mya .One of the most important events in the Mesozoic Era was the riseing of the Dinosours in the ecosystems
  • Triassic Period

    Triassic Period
    The Triassic period was about 245 to 208 mya .Dinosours started to appear .the triassic period ended with an extinction that affected the marine life .Sediments from the Triassic are in the deeper ocean and they have been mainly subsumed by subduction of oceanic plates.
  • Jurassic Period

    Jurassic Period
    Jurrasic Period was about 208 to 146 mya .Dinosours became more of the "rulers" of the land.they were dominating the ecosystem,
  • Cretaceous Period

    Cretaceous Period
    The Crataceous was about 146 to 65 mya .The water level was extremly high compared with the water level today .This was the longost period in the Mesozoic Era .The Cretaceous ended at the so-called KT(Cretaceous-Tertiary) boundary an ectintion event.
  • Cenozoic Era

    Cenozoic Era
    The Cenzoic era was about 66 mya to present Continets move to present places ,the climate is warm,as the dinosours change everything is changeing and is start's to look like our present time
  • Tertiary Period

    Tertiary Period
    Teritary period was about 65 to 2.6 mya .In this period fish and reptiles would not change to much . but mammals,birds and plants are gonna change very much Herbivores were growing in sizeas did their predators.
  • Quaternary Period

    Quaternary Period
    Quaternary period began aprox 2.6 mya ,and almost everything was changeing and stated looking like the world around us. Huge glaciers covered and retreated and created seas and oceans.