Carnegie endowment for international peace
The International relations discipline was born with the process of institutionalisation. -
Brooking institute
The International relations discipline was born with the process of institutionalisation -
The study of international relations
The study of international relations was established in 1919 after the Great War, but the study of international relations is as old as humankind. -
In Aberystwyth , Woodrow & WIlson Chair
The first university departments. To study International relations. -
First establishment of International relations
Institutionalisation of the research programmes -
Royal institute of international affairs
The International relations discipline was born with the process of institutionalisation -
League of Nations in Geneva
Practical and institutional measures → establishment of league of Nations in Geneva -
Permanent Court of International Justice
Permanent Court of International Justice at The Hague -
London school of Economics
The first university departments. To study International relations. -
university of Oxford
The first university departments. To study International relations. -
After the great war
New diplomatic and legal order:
- Contractual international law
- Multilateralism Different kind of peace → permanent international institutions were designed to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security Balance of power → distribution of power among states so that no single country can be strong enough to assert its will or dominate the others (originally a British concept) -
Second establishment
After the second World War re-established Edward Hallet Carr (1892-1982) → book 2O year crisis → big influence of discipline of international relations → attack on the crisis management of the time Criticised the liberal interpretation of the state system as to one - dimensional. Liberalism failed to take account of power in its analysis of international relations. It ignored Machiavelli’s injunction to deal with what is the case rather than what ought to be the case. -
Second establishment
Realism (re-establishment → new question to answer) What is the driving force behind the behaviour of agents? Liberalism IR’s is about a rules based order
Realism: IR’s is about distribution of power
→ the first great debate Two foundational texts: Hans Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations 1948
E.H. Crr, The Twenty years’ Crisis, 1939 → All efforts to reform the international system which ignored the struggle for power would quickly end in failure