Period: to
Reign of Joseph Stalin
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Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidency
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The Timeline of the Cold War
Yalta Conference
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Harry S. Truman Presidency
Adolf Hitler Dies
Potsdam Conference
Iron Curtain Built
NATO Established
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Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidency
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Reign of Georgy Malenkov
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Reign of Nikita Khrushchev
Warsaw Pact
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The Space Race
Sputnik 1 Launched
Sputnik 2 Launched
It was the launch of the Soviet's second satellite and within the satellite it carried a dog named Laika. This was the first living creature into space, with Laika surviving 4 hours in space before dying from overheating. -
Launch of the US Navy's Failed Satellite: Vanguard TV3
Explorer 1 Launched
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John F. Kennedy Presidency
Berlin Border Closed
Cuban Missle Crisis
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Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency
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Reign of Leonid Brezhnev
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Richard Nixon Presidency
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Gerald Ford Presidency
North Vietnam Wins Vietnam War
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Jimmy Carter Presidency
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Ronald Reagan Presidency
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Reign of Yuri Andropov
War Games Released in Australia
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Reign of Konstantin Chernenko
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Reign of Mikhail Gorbachev
The Era of Perestroika/Glasnost Begins
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George H. W. Bush Presidency
Fall of the Berlin Wall
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Boris Yeltsin Presidency
Fall of the USSR
Period: to
Bill Clinton Presidency