4000 BCE
Day 1 of Creation
On the first day of creation, God created the Heavens, Earth, Day, and Night. -
3999 BCE
Day 2 of Creation
On the second day, God separated the water from the sky. -
3998 BCE
Day 3 of Creation
On the third day of creation, God created land and vegetation. -
3997 BCE
Day 4 of Creation
On the fourth day or creation, God created the sun, moon, and stars. -
3996 BCE
Day 5 of Creation
On the fifth day creation, God created flying animals and sea animals. -
3995 BCE
Day 6 of Creation
On the sixth day of creation, God created land animals and humans. -
3994 BCE
Day 7 of Creation
On the seventh day of creation, God rested -
3850 BCE
Adam and Eve disobey God
God told Adam and Eve to not eat from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. But Satan influenced them to eat the fruit of the tree. -
3567 BCE
The Flood
The Flood happened when everyone was turning away from God -
3000 BCE
Noah's Ark
God told Noah to build a giant boat to carry two of every animal and his family. -
2100 BCE
The Tower of Babel
The Tower of Babel was built when the people in Babylon wanted to build a tower to the heavens. God took the people from this and casted them out to different lands and then the people spoke different languages. -
2066 BCE
The Offering of Issac
God told Abraham to take Issac on a mountain and sacrifice him, but when they got up there and Abraham drew back his arm with the spear God said stop -
1075 BCE
Sampson and Delilah
Sampson was a huge man who got his strength from his hair. He met a girl named Delilah and she cut off his hair in his sleep. -
1024 BCE
David and Goliath
David was a shepherd boy, and Goliath was about 9 feet tall. David took 5 stones and a slingshot and killed Goliath. Then he took the sword of Goliath and cut Goliath's head off. -
The Baptism of Jesus
John baptized Jesus and a dove came down from Heaven. The voice of God was also present there. -
The Temptation of Jesus
Jesus went on a fast for 40 days then came back and the devil tried to tempt him with scripture and tried to make him turn stuff into food. -
Jesus calls the first disciples.
Jesus went to the river where Peter and Andrew were fishing. He called them to become the first disciples. -
Sermon on the Mount
Jesus had been throughout Galilee preaching then he saw a multitude of people so he went on top of a mountain and preached. -
Jesus feeds 5,000
Jesus took 5 loafs of bread and 2 small fish and feed 5,000 with some left over. -
The Triumphal Entry
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and people lined the streets and waved palm trees. -
The Last Supper
Jesus and the 12 disciples went to the top of a building and ate bread and drank wine -
Jesus Betrayed
Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. -
Peter denies Jesus
Jesus told Peter that he would deny Jesus 3 times before the rooster crows. -
Jesus's Crucifixion
Jesus had to go through beating and had a crown of thorns put on his head. He also had to carry his cross to where he was getting crucified. -
Jesus's Resurrection
Jesus was in the tomb three days with a large stone in front. Then the stone was rolled away and Jesus was no longer there.