The History of the Arcade

  • The First Game-1931

    The First Game-1931
    The First Game that was introduced to use today was named baffle Ball or what we call today as pong. This game had been founded by David Gottlieb. This is what started out to which gradually became a success.
  • Period: to

    How it begun 1940-1950

    The first ever recorded trace of "video" games was in the 1940's and gradually ended in the 1950's with the Cathode Ray Tubes or CRT. These tubes were actually used by missile defense systems.
  • Pinball- 1947

    Pinball- 1947
    As David Gottlieb kept inventing games like Flipper. Then came the evolution of Pinball which also was a start to this video game revolution.
  • The First Arcade Game-1971

    The First Arcade Game-1971
    The First ever commercially sold, coin operated video game was called Computer Space which is considered to be a start of a new industry. This video game was designed by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney.
  • Atari-1972

    After when the First ever arcade game was officially invented came the first video game company and the first video game console called Atari.
  • Gaming Blowout-1974

    Gaming Blowout-1974
    By the end of 1974, at least 15 companies were on the way for making and selling arcade games.
  • Atari and Pong-1975

    Atari and Pong-1975
    Atari adapted and became the first home console in which you can play the game pong. In Sears, it selled about 150,000 dollars during the year.
  • Audience Outraged because of Arcade Game-1976

    Audience Outraged because of Arcade Game-1976
    In 1976, the game called Death Race came out and what quickly became a stir on social media because how violent it is for little kids.
  • Pacman(Best Seller)-1980

    Pacman(Best Seller)-1980
    Pacman which was made in the 1980's was a huge part in the arcade industry because it was the best selling game.
  • Drug Use and Vandalism-1981

    Drug Use and Vandalism-1981
    As arcades came in New York same came with the drug use and vandalism in that same area which has caused commotion with it being used in arcades
  • Cracks Starting to Show-1982

    Cracks Starting to Show-1982
    In the early 1982 arcade games were already showing sides of death with the population of arcades because they considered it was too much and magazines complaining about the games. Also, parents complained about this affecting their children's house.
  • Gaming Revenue decreasing-1985

    Gaming Revenue decreasing-1985
    By 1985, the gaming revenue from the arcades starting to sink down the drain as it decreased by 100 million dollars since the past.
  • Nintendo and NSE-1985

    Nintendo and NSE-1985
    As the two companies rolling into action they started to make arcade games into sequels and which became a big hit and people started to play at home consoles and not go out in the arcades
  • Street Fighter II-1991

    Street Fighter II-1991
    As the arcades started to sink, they still were fighting when in 1991 Cap com released Street Fighter II and that helped the industry or in was considered a "renaissance"
  • Period: to

    Decreasing rate of Arcades-2005 through 2011

    In New york at the begginning of 2005, they counted in total of 25 arcades in the area. But by 2011 when everything was abrupt, there was only 10 still there.
  • Arcade Games Gone?-2018

    Arcade Games Gone?-2018
    People today don't see arcade games then how they seen them back in the past and now they are considered dead with all of the new consoles coming into play.